- Sitemap by listings
- | Across the UK |
- A Rocha UK
- Academy of Ideas
- Academy of Medical Sciences, The
- Academy of Social Sciences
- Adlerian Society UK Institute for Individual Psychology
- Alister Hardy Trust, The
- Alliance Française de Londres
- Alliance of Literary Societies
- Alpine Garden Society
- Alzheimer's Research Trust
- Amateur Entomologists' Society
- Amnesty International UK
- Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK
- Ancient Tree Forum
- Anglican and Eastern Churches Association
- Anglo Catholic History Society, The
- Anglo-Danish Society, The
- Anglo-Ethiopian Society
- Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
- Anglo-Israel Association
- Anne Frank Trust UK
- Antiquarian Horological Society
- Art + Christianity
- Art Fund
- Arts Centre Group
- Association for Art History
- Association for Industrial Archaeology, The
- Association for Learning Development in Higher Education
- Association for Psychosocial Studies, The
- Association for Roman Archaeology
- Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings
- Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, The
- Association of British Philatelic Societies
- Association of Christian Writers
- Association of Dress Historians, The
- Association of English Cathedrals
- Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Astrological Association, The
- Audience Agency, The
- Badger Trust
- Baptist Historical Society
- Barn Owl Trust
- Bat Conservation Trust
- Battlefields Trust, The
- BBC Writers
- BCS: The Chartered Institute for IT
- Beaver Trust
- Bee Improvement & Bee Breeders Association
- Bees, Wasps & Ants Recording Society
- Bevan Foundation
- Bible Society
- Bibliographical Society, The
- Biochemical Society
- Blackwell's
- Born Free Foundation
- Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland
- British Academy of Management
- British Air Mail Society
- British American Nineteenth Century Historians
- British Antique Dealers' Association
- British Arachnological Society
- British Archaeological Association
- British Association for American Studies
- British Association for Holistic Medicine and Health Care
- British Association for Local History
- British Association for Romantic Studies
- British Association for Victorian Studies
- British Association of Numismatic Societies
- British Astronomical Association
- British Beekeepers Association
- British Brick Society
- British Bryological Society
- British Button Society, The
- British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS)
- British Cartographic Society
- British Cave Research Association
- British Caving Association
- British Clematis Society
- British Commission for Maritime History, The
- British Dowsers
- British Dragonfly Society
- British Ecological Society
- British Egyptian Society
- British Entomological and Natural History Society
- British Fuchsia Society, The
- British Geological Survey
- British Horological Institute
- British Institute for Libyan & Northern African Studies
- British Institute for the Study of Iraq (Gertrude Bell Memorial)
- British Institute of Human Rights
- British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
- British Interplanetary Society
- British Iris Society
- British Library, The
- British Lichen Society
- British Mycological Society
- British Naturalists' Association
- British Numismatic Society
- British Orchid Council
- British Philosophy of Sport Association
- British Psychotherapy Foundation
- British Pteridological Society
- British Red Cross
- British Science Association
- British Science Festival
- British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
- British Society for the History of Mathematics
- British Society of Australian Philately
- British Society of Criminology
- British Society of Master Glass Painters
- British Society of Soil Science
- British Thematic Association
- British Trust for Ornithology
- British Union of Spiritist Societies
- British-German Association
- British-Yemeni Society, The
- Buddhist Society, The
- Buglife
- Bumblebee Conservation Trust
- Butterfly Conservation
- Café Scientifique
- Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society
- Campaign for National Parks
- Caring for God's Acre
- Carnivorous Plant Society, The
- Central Association of BeeKeepers, The
- Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps, The
- Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors
- Christians Aware
- Christians in Library and Information Services
- Christians in Science
- Church Monuments Society
- Churches Conservation Trust, The
- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Cinema Theatre Association
- Classical Association
- Classics for All
- Climate Outreach
- College of Preachers, The
- Computer Conservation Society
- Conchological Society of Great Britain & Ireland, The
- Construction History Society
- Contemporary Art Society
- Cottage Garden Society
- Council for Arab-British Understanding
- Council for British Archaeology (CBA)
- Council for British Research in the Levant
- Council of Christians and Jews
- Create (Arts)
- Creation Resources Trust
- Cruising Association
- Decorative Arts Society
- DeepMind
- Designer Bookbinders
- Dialogue Society
- Disabled Photographers' Society
- Druid Network, The
- Early Dance Circle, The
- Earthwatch Europe
- Ecclesiastical Law Society
- Ecclesiological Society, The
- Economic & Social Research Council
- Ecosystems Knowledge Network
- Education and Employers Taskforce
- Electric Railway Society
- Embroiderers' Guild
- Embroidery Groups
- English Ceramic Circle
- European Association for Jewish Studies
- European Movement UK
- Fabian Society
- Faith & Belief Forum
- Family History Federation
- Federal Trust, The
- Federation of Astronomical Societies
- Federation of British Bonsai Societies
- Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs
- Federation of Children's Book Groups
- Federation of Recorded Music Societies
- Fertility Network UK
- Fly Dressers' Guild
- Folly Fellowship, The
- France & Colonies Philatelic Society (UK)
- Franco-British Council
- Franco-British Society
- Freedom Association, The
- French Porcelain Society, The
- Friends of Friendless Churches
- Friends of the Earth
- Fungus Conservation Trust
- FutureEverything
- Galapagos Conservation Trust
- Garden Organic
- Gardening and Horticultural Society Federations
- General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, The
- GeoConservationUK
- Geological Society, The
- Geologists' Association
- Geology Trusts, The
- Georgian Group, The
- GlobalNet21
- Goethe-Institut
- Graham Fraser Foundation, The
- Great Britain Philatelic Society, The
- Great Britain-Russia Society, The
- Green Christian
- Guild of Analytical Psychologists, The
- Guild of One-Name Studies
- Hansard Society
- Hardy Plant Society
- Hawk and Owl Trust
- Heraldry Society, The
- Heritage Alliance, The
- Heritage Crafts Association, The
- Heritage Open Days
- Heritage Trust Network
- Hindu Forum of Britain
- Historians of the Twentieth Century United States
- Historic Buildings & Places
- Historic Houses
- Historical Association
- Historical Model Railway Society
- Historical Novel Society
- History & Policy
- History of Geology Group
- Howard League for Penal Reform
- Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland, The
- Humanists UK
- IAM RoadSmart
- Imaginative Book Illustration Society
- Imperial War Museums
- Independent Libraries Association
- Inland Waterways Association
- Insect Week
- Institute for Strategic Dialogue
- Institute of Art and Ideas
- Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, The
- Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance
- Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
- Institute of Mathematics & its Applications (IMA)
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Institution of Chemical Engineers
- Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
- Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Institution of Structural Engineers
- Intelligence Squared
- Inter Faith Network for the UK, The
- International Association for the Study of Arabia
- International Council on Monuments & Sites UK
- Iran Society, The
- Islamic Foundation, The
- Islamic Society of Britain
- Japan-UK Events Calendar
- Japanese Garden Society
- Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
- John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science
- John Snow Society, The
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- JustShare
- Keir Hardie Society
- Khalili Foundation
- King's Foundation, The
- Knitting & Crochet Guild
- Labour Heritage
- Landmark Trust, The
- Light Rail Transit Association
- Local History Society Federations
- Locomotive Club of Great Britain
- London Climate Action Week
- London Mathematical Society
- Magic Lantern Society, The
- Malaya Study Group
- Mammal Society
- Marine Conservation Society
- Maritime Archaeology Trust
- Mausolea & Monuments Trust
- Medical Research Council
- Medieval Settlement Research Group
- Mental Health Foundation
- Methodist Heritage
- Money Macro & Finance Society
- Narrow Gauge Railway Society
- National Archives, The
- National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
- National Association of Mining History Organisations
- National Auricula & Primula Society
- National Biodiversity Network
- National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
- National Council for Voluntary Organisations
- National Dahlia Society
- National Garden Scheme
- National Philatelic Society
- National Piers Society
- National Plant Monitoring Scheme
- National Secular Society
- National Transport Trust
- National Trust, The
- National Vegetable Society
- Network of Buddhist Organisations
- New Local
- New Scientist
- Newcomen: The International Society for the History of Engineering and Technology
- Nuffield Trust
- Ocean Liner Society
- Office of Health Economics
- Omnibus Society, The
- Online Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Open Concerts and Recitals
- Open University Geological Society
- Orchid Society of Great Britain, The
- Oriental Ceramic Society, The
- Oriental Rug and Textile Society of Great Britain
- Overseas Development Institute
- Pagan Federation, The
- Pain Relief Foundation
- Paleontological Association
- Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast, The
- People's Trust for Endangered Species
- Philological Society, The
- Philosophy in Pubs
- Photovoice
- Pint of Science
- Plant Heritage
- Politeia
- Political Studies Association
- Powys Society
- Prayer Book Society, The
- Prehistoric Society, The
- Printing Historical Society
- Pugin Society, The
- Quaker Family History Society
- Quakers in Britain
- Quilters' Guild, The
- Railfuture
- Railway & Canal Historical Society (RCHS)
- Railway Correspondence and Travel Society (RCTS)
- Railway Magazine, The
- Rationalist Association
- Raymond Williams Foundation
- Refugee Council
- Reith Lectures, The
- Richard III Society
- Riverfly Partnership, The
- Romantic Novelists' Association
- RootsChat
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Royal Aeronautical Society
- Royal Anthropological Institute
- Royal Armouries, The
- Royal Collection Trust
- Royal College of Radiologists
- Royal Economic Society
- Royal Entomological Society
- Royal Geographical Society
- Royal Historical Society
- Royal Horticultural Society, The
- Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
- Royal Institute of Navigation
- Royal Institute of Philosophy
- Royal Literary Fund
- Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)
- Royal Microscopical Society
- Royal Musical Association, The
- Royal Numismatic Society, The
- Royal Philharmonic Society, The
- Royal Photographic Society, The
- Royal School of Needlework
- Royal Society for Public Health
- Royal Society of Arts
- Royal Society of Biology
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- Royal Society of Literature, The
- Royal Statistical Society
- RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
- RSVP: The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals
- Runnymede Trust
- Russell Society, The
- Saudi-British Society
- SAVE Britain's Heritage
- Save Our Parsonages
- Science Museum Group
- Scientific and Medical Network, The
- Sense about Science
- Silver Society, The
- Skeptics in the Pub
- Socialist Workers Party
- Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding
- Society for Army Historical Research, The
- Society for Church Archaeology
- Society for Nautical Research, The
- Society for Research into Higher Education
- Society for the History of Astronomy
- Society for the History of Collecting
- Society for the History of Natural History, The
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB)
- Society for the Study of French History, The
- Society for the Study of Labour History
- Society for Theatre Research, The
- Society of Analytical Psychology, The
- Society of Authors, The
- Society of Automotive Historians
- Society of Bookbinders
- Society of Chemical Industry (SCI)
- Society of Cosmetic Scientists
- Society of Genealogists
- Society of Jewellery Historians
- Society of Ornamental Turners
- Society of Women Artists
- Soil Association
- Speakers from the Edge
- Squiggle Foundation, The
- Strict Baptist Historical Society
- Subterranea Britannica
- Systematics Association
- Tate Gallery Group
- The Arts Society
- The Gardens Trust
- The Poetry Society
- The Skeptic
- The University of The Third Age (U3A)
- The Wildlife Trusts
- Theatres Trust, The
- Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society
- Twentieth Century Society
- United Nations Association of the UK
- Vernacular Architecture Group
- Victorian Military Society
- Victorian Popular Fiction Association
- Victorian Society
- Voluntary Action History Society
- Waterloo Association
- Waterstones
- WEA - Adult Learning Within Reach
- Wesley Historical Society
- West Africa Study Circle
- Western Front Association
- Wild Flower Society, The
- Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
- William Temple Foundation
- Women's Engineering Society
- Women's History Network
- Women's Interfaith Network
- World Congress of Faiths
- World Economic Forum
- World Ship Society
- Africa
- America
- Annual Lecture Series
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Antiquarian Societies
- Antiquity
- Archaeological Societies
- Architecture and Design
- Areas of the World
- Art Galleries
- Art Institutes and Societies
- Art Study and Research
- Artist Societies and Trusts
- Arts and Crafts
- Arts and Culture Centres
- Arts Festivals
- Asia
- Author Societies and Trusts
- Authors and Writers
- Aviation Transport
- Beekeeping Societies
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Booksellers
- Botanic Gardens and Arboreta
- Canal and River Transport
- Christian Religions
- Christianity
- Churches, Cathedrals and Abbeys
- Civic Societies and Trusts
- Civilization and its History
- Composer Societies and Trusts
- Drama and Theatre
- Economics, Finance and Business
- Education for All
- Engineering Institutes and Societies
- Equality, Human Rights and Social Justice
- Ethnicity and Nationalism
- Europe
- Exploration and Discovery
- Family History Societies
- Flowers and Plants
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies
- Gardening and Horticulture
- Gardens Trusts
- Gender and Sexuality
- Government, Politics and Law
- Heritage Properties and Trusts
- Historic Houses
- History of Technology and Engineering
- History of the Medical and Health Sciences
- History of the World
- Human Society
- Humanism and Secularism
- Ideas and The Future
- Industrial Archaeology Societies
- Law and Society
- Lecture Series and Societies
- Libraries and Archives
- Literary and Book Festivals
- Literary Societies
- Literary Study and Research
- Literary, Philosophical and Scientific Societies
- Local Art Societies
- Local Astronomical Societies
- Local Geological Societies
- Local Heritage
- Local History Societies
- Local Museums and Galleries
- Local Philosophy Groups
- Local Science Clubs and Societies
- Local Wildlife Groups
- Maritime Transport
- Media and Communication
- Medical Institutes and Trusts
- Military History Societies and Trusts
- Mind, Body and Spirit
- Modern History
- Museums and Galleries
- Music and Dance
- Mythology, Parapsychology, Spirituality
- National Gardening and Horticultural Societies
- National Heritage
- National Museums and Galleries
- Natural History Societies
- Nature Conservation Groups
- Nature, Land and Property
- Non-Christian Religions
- Ornithological Societies and Bird Clubs
- Other Belief Systems
- People and Places in the UK
- Performing and Visual Arts
- Philatelic Societies and Stamp Clubs
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Politics and Policy
- Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
- Publishers
- Publishing and Bookselling
- Rail Transport
- Reading and Literature
- Religion and Theology
- Research in Philosophy
- Research in Technology and Engineering
- Research in The Humanities
- Research in The Medical Sciences
- Research in The Sciences
- Research in The Social Sciences
- Road Transport
- Schools of Law
- Science
- Science Festivals
- Science Institutes and Societies
- Science Museums and Centres
- Science, Technology and Medicine
- Technology and Engineering
- The Climate and Sustainability
- The Global Environment
- The Medical Sciences
- The Natural World
- The Social Sciences
- The Third Sector
- Transport History Societies and Trusts
- UK History Societies and Trusts
- Universities and Colleges
- Universities and Colleges in England
- Universities and Colleges in London
- Universities and Colleges in Northern Ireland
- Universities and Colleges in Scotland
- Universities and Colleges in Wales
- Universities, Museums, Libraries, Lecture Series
- University of Cambridge
- University of Oxford
- Wellbeing and Health
- Wildlife Societies and Trusts
- Writers and Writing
- Abbots Langley
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen & County Floral Group
- Aberdeen & NE Scotland Family History Society - Aberdeen
- Aberdeen and District Beekeepers' Association
- Aberdeen Archives, Gallery & Museums
- Aberdeen Artists Society
- Aberdeen Astronomical Society
- Aberdeen Camera Club
- Aberdeen Civic Society
- Aberdeen Geological Society
- Aberdeen Philatelic Society
- Aberdeen Scottish Hellenic Society
- BCS - Aberdeen
- Bon-Accord Camera Club
- Botanical Society of Scotland - Aberdeen
- Café Scientifique - Aberdeen City
- Cairngorm Club, The
- Cruickshank Botanic Garden
- Dickens Fellowship - Aberdeen
- Granite Noir
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - Aberdeen & District
- Royal Horticultural Society of Aberdeen
- Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures [Aberdeen]
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Aberdeen
- RSPB - Aberdeen and District
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - Aberdeen
- Skeptics in the Pub - Aberdeen
- University of Aberdeen
- Visions Photography Club
- Aberdeenshire
- Banchory Gardening Club
- Cromar History Group
- Deeside Camera Club
- Ellon Photographic Group
- Family History Society of Buchan
- Fraserburgh Photographic Society
- Inverurie Flower Club
- Kemnay Community Bee Group
- Mearns Camera Club
- National Trust for Scotland Members’ Centres - North East Aberdeenshire
- Stonehaven & District Floral Art Club
- Yeadon's of Elgin and Banchory
- Abingdon-on-Thames
- Abingdon Area Archaeological and Historical Society
- Abingdon Astronomical Society
- Abingdon Camera Club
- Abingdon County Hall Museum
- Abingdon Flower Club
- Abingdon Horticultural Society
- Abingdon Naturalists' Society
- ATOM Festival of Science and Technology
- Berkshire Family History Society - Abingdon
- Dorchester Abbey
- Global Retreat Centre
- Marcham Society
- Mostly Books
- National Trust Support - Abingdon and District
- Radley History Club
- Southmoor & Kingston Bagpuize Gardening Club
- Sutton Courtenay Local History Society
- The Arts Society - Abingdon
- Accrington
- Africa
- Africa Centre, The
- African Studies Centre [Oxford]
- Anglo-Ethiopian Society
- Centre for African Studies [Leeds]
- Centre of African Studies [Cambridge]
- Centre of African Studies [Edinburgh]
- Centre of African Studies [SOAS]
- Department of African Studies and Anthropology [Birmingham]
- Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa [LSE]
- Royal African Society
- The John and Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies [Bradford]
- AI: Artificial Intelligence
- Aldeburgh
- Alnwick
- Alton
- Altrincham
- Altrincham & District Astronomical Society
- Altrincham and District Natural History Society
- Altrincham Electric Railway Preservation Society
- Altrincham History Society
- Altrincham Interfaith Group
- Hale Barns Flower Club
- National Trust Support - North Cheshire
- South Trafford Archaeological Group
- The Arts Society - Bowdon
- Trafford Philatelic Society
- America
- American Museum and Gardens
- Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies [Glasgow]
- British American Nineteenth Century Historians
- British Association for American Studies
- Centre of Canadian Studies [Edinburgh]
- Eccles Centre for American Studies (British Library)
- Historians of the Twentieth Century United States
- Latin American Centre (Oxford)
- Amersham
- Andover
- Angus
- Angus & Dundee Bird Club
- Angus Herpetofauna, Friends of
- Arbroath Floral Club
- Brechin Photographic Society
- Carnoustie Photo Group
- East of Scotland Beekeepers Association
- Kirriemuir Photography Club
- Montrose Natural History and Antiquarian Society
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - Angus
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - Angus
- Tayside Biodiversity Partnership
- Annual Lecture Series
- Aldeburgh Phoenix Club, The
- Caversham Heights Society
- Clovelly Lectures
- Deeside Lecture Society
- Fakenham Society
- Grange Lecture Society
- Keswick Lecture Society
- Mayer Trust, The
- Mercers' Lectures
- Reith Lectures, The
- Roscoe Lecture Series [Liverpool John Moores]
- Royston Pike Lecture Series, The
- Thomas Hardye School Community Lectures
- Wigmore Lectures
- Winchester College
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
- Ashmolean Museum Oxford
- Association for Roman Archaeology
- British Archaeological Association
- Council for British Archaeology (CBA)
- Department of African Studies and Anthropology [Birmingham]
- Department of Anthropology [LSE]
- Department of Anthropology [UCL]
- Department of Archaeology [Cambridge]
- Department of Archaeology [York]
- Department of Archaeology and Ancient History [Leicester]
- Institute of Archaeology [UCL]
- Pitt Rivers Museum
- Prehistoric Society, The
- Radical Anthropology Group
- Royal Anthropological Institute
- Royal Archaeological Institute
- Antiquarian Societies
- Anglesey Antiquarian Society
- Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society
- Cambridge Antiquarian Society
- Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society
- Cumbria Past
- East Dorset Antiquarian Society
- East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists' Society
- Glastonbury Antiquarian Society
- Halifax Antiquarian Society
- Kernow Goth
- Kirkintilloch & District Society of Antiquaries
- Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, The
- Merioneth Historical and Record Society
- Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society
- Neath Antiquarian Society
- Norfolk Record Society
- Northamptonshire Record Society
- Rutland Local History & Record Society
- Selkirkshire Antiquarian Society
- Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Spalding Gentlemen's Society
- Sunderland Antiquarian Society
- Teesdale Record Society
- Worcestershire Historical Society
- Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society
- Antiquity
- Accordia Research Institute
- Ancient India & Iran Trust
- Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies [Liverpool]
- Classical Association
- Classics for All
- Egypt Exploration Society
- Faculty of Classics [Oxford]
- Institute of Classical Studies [London]
- School of History, Archaeology and Religion [Cardiff]
- Society for Court Studies, The
- Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
- Viking Society for Northern Research
- Warburg Institute, The
- Antrim and Newtownabbey
- Archaeological Societies
- Abingdon Area Archaeological and Historical Society
- Ampthill and District Archaeological and Local History Society
- Andover History & Archaeology Society
- Appleby Archaeology Group
- Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands
- Architectural & Archaeological Society of Durham & Northumberland
- Avon Valley Archaeological Society
- Ayrshire Archaeological & Natural History Society
- Basingstoke Archaeological & Historical Society
- Bath & Counties Archaeological Society
- Berkshire Archaeological Society
- Berkshire Archaeology Research Group
- Bexley Archaeological Group
- Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society
- Bletchley Archaeological & Historical Society
- Bolton Archaeology & Egyptology Society
- Border Archaeological Society
- Bridgwater and District Archaeological Society
- Brighton and Hove Archaeological Society
- Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
- Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society
- Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society
- Cambrian Archaeological Association
- Cambridge Archaeology Field Group
- Cardiff Archaeological Society
- Chepstow Archaeological Society
- Chess Valley Archaeological & Historical Society
- Chester Archaeological Society
- Chester Society for Landscape History
- Chichester & District Archaeology Society
- Cirencester Archaeological and Historical Society
- City of London Archaeological Society
- Colchester Archaeological Group
- Combined Hertfordshire Archaeological Societies (CHAS)
- Cornwall Archaeological Society
- Coventry and District Archaeological Society
- Derbyshire Archaeological Society
- Devon Archaeological Society
- Didcot and District Archaeological and Historical Society
- East Dorset Antiquarian Society
- East Herts Archaeological Society
- East Riding Archaeological Society
- Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society
- Ely & District Archaeological Society
- EMAS Archaeological Society
- Enfield Archaeological Society
- Essex Society for Archaeology and History
- Fen Edge Archaeology Group
- Glossop and Longdendale Archaeology Society
- Gloucestershire Archaeology
- Gwynedd Archaeological Trust
- Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society
- Hawick Archaeological Society
- Hendon & District Archaeological Society
- Henley Archaeological & Historical Group
- Huddersfield & District Archaeological Society
- Hunter Archaeological Society
- Ingleborough Archaeology Group
- Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society
- Islington Archaeology & History Society
- Kendal Historical & Archaeological Society
- Kent Archaeological Society
- Lancashire Archaeological Society
- Lancaster Archaeological and Historical Society
- Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
- Leighton Buzzard & District Archaeological & Historical Society
- London & Middlesex Archaeological Society
- Lorn Archaeological & Historical Society
- Loughborough Archaeological & Historical Society
- Marlow Archaeology Group
- Medieval Settlement Research Group
- Merseyside Archaeological Society
- Middle Nene Archaeological Group
- Middle Thames Archaeological and Historical Society
- Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society
- Norfolk Archaeological & Historical Research Group
- North Devon Archaeological Society
- North of Scotland Archaeological Society
- North Worcestershire Archaeology Group
- Orpington and District Archaeological Society
- Peterborough Archaeology
- Plymouth & District Archaeological Society
- Pontefract and District Archaeology & History Society
- Radnorshire Society
- Richmond Archaeological Society
- Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society
- Sherwood Archaeological Society
- Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society
- Society for Church Archaeology
- South Oxfordshire Archaeological Group
- South Trafford Archaeological Group
- Southwell Community Archaeology Group
- Stoke-on-Trent Museum Archaeological Society
- Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
- Surrey Archaeological Society
- Sussex Archaeological Society
- Sutton Hoo Society
- Thames Discovery Programme
- Till Valley Archaeological Society
- Ulster Archaeological Society
- WARG: The Society for Winchester Archaeology and Local History
- West Norfolk and Kings Lynn Archaeological Society
- Wigan Archaeological Society
- Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society
- Wolverhampton Archaeology Group
- Wolverton & District Archaeological & Historical Society
- Worcestershire Archaeological Society
- Worthing Archaeological Society
- Yeovil Archaeological and Local History Society
- York Archaeological Trust
- Yorkshire Architectural and York Archaeological Society
- Architecture and Design
- Architectural Association School of Architecture
- Architecture Diary, The
- Architecture Foundation
- Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment [UCL]
- Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society
- Design Museum
- Design West
- Design:Midlands
- Docomomo UK
- London Festival of Architecture
- Martin Centre, The: Sustainable Buildings and Cities [Cambridge]
- Open-City
- Pugin Society, The
- Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS)
- Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
- School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape [Newcastle]
- Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, The
- Urban Design Group
- Vernacular Architecture Group
- Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)
- Ards and North Down
- Argyll and Bute
- AHSS - Strathclyde
- Benmore Botanic Garden
- Colonsay Book Festival
- Cowal Camera Club
- Helensburgh & District Beekeepers Association
- Helensburgh & Gareloch Horticultural Society
- Helensburgh Art Club
- Islay Book Festival
- Islay Natural History Trust
- Lorn Archaeological & Historical Society
- Mid Argyll Camera Club
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Groups - Argyll
- Oban Photographic Club
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Helensburgh
- The Arts Society - Lomond & Argyll
- Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon
- Art Galleries
- Atkinson, The
- BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
- Barber Institute of Fine Arts, The
- Burton Art Gallery in Bideford
- Cartoon Museum, The
- Chisenhale Gallery
- Courtauld, The
- D6: Culture in Transit
- Drawing Room
- Dulwich Picture Gallery
- Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art
- Fabrica
- Firstsite
- Gallery Oldham
- Gasworks
- Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
- Groam House Museum
- Harbour House
- Hayward Gallery
- Hepworth Wakefield, The
- Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
- Holburne Museum, The
- House for an Art Lover
- Impressions Gallery
- John Hansard Gallery
- Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
- Manchester Art Gallery
- Mostyn
- National Galleries Scotland
- National Gallery, The
- National Portrait Gallery
- New Art Gallery Walsall, The
- Nottingham Contemporary
- October Gallery
- Oriel Davies Gallery
- Pallant House Gallery
- Penlee House Gallery and Museum
- Royal Academy of Arts
- Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
- Royal Cambrian Academy, The
- Royal Collection Trust
- Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, The
- Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture
- Royal West of England Academy
- Sainsbury Centre
- Serpentine Galleries
- South London Gallery
- Spike Island
- Stanley Spencer Gallery
- Street Level Photoworks
- Tate Gallery Group
- Towner Eastbourne
- Turner Contemporary
- Wallace Collection, The
- Watts Gallery
- Whitechapel Gallery
- Whitworth, The
- Williamson Art Gallery & Museum
- York Art Gallery, Friends of
- Yorkshire Sculpture Park
- Art Institutes and Societies
- Artist Societies and Trusts
- Arts and Crafts
- Antiquarian Horological Society
- Art Workers' Guild
- Association of Dress Historians, The
- Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Association of Woodturners of Great Britain
- Blandford Fashion Museum
- Bowes Museum, The
- British Antique Dealers' Association
- British Association of Numismatic Societies
- British Brick Society
- British Button Society, The
- British Horological Institute
- British Numismatic Society
- British Society of Master Glass Painters
- British Sugarcraft Guild, The
- Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society
- Costume & Textile Association
- Costume and Textile Society of Wales, The
- Craft Scotland
- Decorative Arts Society
- Designer Bookbinders
- Embroiderers' Guild
- Embroidery Groups
- English Ceramic Circle
- Fan Museum, The
- Fashion Museum Bath
- Fly Dressers' Guild
- French Porcelain Society, The
- Heritage Crafts Association, The
- Knitting & Crochet Guild
- Magic Lantern Society, The
- Northern Ceramic Society
- Northern Society of Costume & Textiles
- Oriental Ceramic Society, The
- Oriental Rug and Textile Society of Great Britain
- Printing Historical Society
- Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration
- Quilters' Guild, The
- Royal Numismatic Society, The
- Royal School of Needlework
- Scottish Pottery Society
- Silver Society, The
- Society for the History of Collecting
- Society of Bookbinders
- Society of Jewellery Historians
- Society of Ornamental Turners
- Stained Glass Museum, The
- The Arts Society
- Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society
- Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)
- World of Wedgwood
- Arts and Culture Centres
- Aberystwyth Arts Centre
- Arnolfini
- Arran Theatre and Arts Trust
- Arts for Hungerford
- Astor, The
- Autograph
- Barbican, The
- Birnam Arts
- Blackfriars Theatre & Arts Centre
- Blackheath Halls
- Bluecoat, The
- Bollington Arts Centre
- Bridge, The [Plymouth]
- Bridport Arts Centre
- Broxbourne Arts Forum
- Brunel Arts
- Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre
- Camden Art Centre
- Centre for Contemporary Arts
- Chapel Arts Cheltenham
- Charleston
- Cornubian Arts & Science Trust (CAST)
- Creative & Culture Hartlepool
- Creative Carbon Scotland
- Crediton Arts Centre
- Cromarty Arts Trust
- Culture Perth and Kinross
- Czech Centre London
- Dartington Trust
- Derby LIVE
- Dundee Contemporary Arts
- Eastside Projects
- Eden Court Highlands
- esea contemporary
- Eype Centre for the Arts
- Fisher Theatre Bungay
- Foxlowe Arts Centre
- Guildhall Arts Centre
- Helmsley Arts Centre
- Institute of Contemporary Arts
- Island Arts Centre
- Isles of Scilly Cultural Centre and Museum
- Jewish Community Centre for London (JW3)
- Kenton Theatre, The
- Kings Place
- Kirkgate Arts & Heritage
- Lighthouse [Brighton]
- Lyth Arts Centre
- Mosaic Rooms, The
- Oriel Môn
- Pitlochry Festival Theatre
- Pocklington Arts Centre
- Saltire Society, The
- Scottish Arts Club
- Scottish Arts Trust
- Shetland Arts
- South Mill Arts
- Southbank Centre
- Spring Arts and Heritage Centre
- Stamford Arts Centre
- The Forum Barrow
- The Poly - Arts History Science
- UCL Culture
- Uppingham School
- Van Gogh House
- Watershed
- Winding Wheel Theatre
- Witham, The
- Arts Festivals
- Ashbourne Festival
- Autumn in Malvern Festival
- Bath Festivals
- Beaminster Festival
- Belfast International Arts Festival
- Bewdley Festival
- Biggar Little Festival
- Brighouse Arts Festival
- Brighton Festival
- Bristol Open Doors
- Bushey Festival
- Buxton International Festival
- Caerleon Arts Festival
- Cambridge Festival
- Canterbury Festival
- Deal Festival of Music and the Arts
- Dorset Art Weeks
- Dulwich Festival
- Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival
- Edinburgh Art Festival
- Eisteddfod
- Frome Festival
- Hampstead Arts Festival
- Hebden Bridge Arts
- Highland Archaeology Festival
- Holt Festival
- Kenilworth Arts Festival
- KITE Festival
- Latitude Festival
- Lichfield Festival
- Liverpool Arab Arts Festival
- Liverpool Irish Festival
- Ludlow Fringe Festival
- Macclesfield Barnaby Festival
- Manchester International Festival
- Mole Valley Arts Alive Festival
- Nairn Book & Arts Festival
- Norfolk & Norwich Festival
- Oxford Festival of the Arts
- Perth Festival of the Arts
- Petworth Festival
- Pittenweem Arts Festival
- PortsFest
- Purbeck Art Weeks Festival
- Queer Bloomsbury
- Rhondda Arts Festival
- Rye Arts Festival
- Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival
- Solas Festival
- St Magnus International Festival
- Thame Arts & Literature Festival
- Three Choirs Festival
- Wetherby Festival
- Windsor Festival
- Wirksworth Festival
- Wooburn Festival
- Arundel
- Ashbourne
- Ashby de la Zouch
- Ashford
- Ashford Archaeological and Historical Society
- Ashford Astronomical Society
- Ashford Flower Club
- Ashford Photographic Society
- Charing & District History Society
- Charing Gardeners
- Kent Family History Society - Ashford
- Pluckley and Egerton Garden Society
- Shadoxhurst Flower Club
- The Arts Society - Ashford
- The Arts Society - Egerton
- Ashton-under-Lyne
- Asia
- Asia - Scotland Institute
- Asia House
- China Centre (University of Oxford)
- Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
- Europe Japan Research Centre [Oxford Brookes]
- Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies [Oxford]
- Japan Foundation London
- Japan Society, The
- Japan-UK Events Calendar
- Menzies Australia Institute [KCL]
- Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Royal Society for Asian Affairs
- Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
- Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding
- Author Societies and Trusts
- Anthony Powell Society
- Arnold Bennett Society
- Arthur Ransome Society
- Arthur Ransome Trust
- Barbara Pym Society
- Beatrix Potter Society
- Betjeman Society
- Brontë Society, The
- Browning Society, The
- Byron Society
- Charles Causley Trust
- Charlotte Mary Yonge Fellowship
- Coleridge, The Friends of
- DH Lawrence Society
- Dickens Fellowship, The
- Dorothy Dunnett Society
- Dorothy L Sayers Society
- Dylan Thomas Centre
- Dymock Poets, Friends of the
- E.F.Benson Society
- Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club
- Edward Thomas Fellowship
- Elizabeth Gaskell's House
- English Goethe Society
- F.W. Harvey Society
- Francis Brett Young Society
- Gaskell Society
- George Eliot Fellowship
- Gilbert White's House & Gardens
- Graham Greene Birthplace Trust
- Hazlitt Society
- Henry Williamson Society
- Hopkins Society (UK)
- Housman Society
- Hugh Walpole Society
- J.B. Priestley Society
- Jane Austen Centre
- Jane Austen Society of the United Kingdom, The
- John Buchan Society
- John Clare Society
- John Hewitt Society
- Johnson Society (Lichfield)
- Johnson Society of London
- Katherine Mansfield Society
- Keats House
- Kilvert Society
- Kipling Society
- Lewis Carroll Society
- Margery Allingham Society
- Marlowe Society
- Martineau Society
- Mary Webb Society
- Muriel Spark Society
- Norman Nicholson Society
- Orwell Foundation
- Orwell Society
- Oxford C.S. Lewis Society
- PG Wodehouse Society (UK)
- Philip Larkin Society
- Powys Society
- Ruskin Research Centre
- Ruskin Society
- Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
- Shaw Society, The
- Sherlock Holmes Society of London
- T S Eliot Society
- T.E. Lawrence Society
- Terence Rattigan Society
- The BB Society
- Thomas Hardy Society
- Tolkien Society
- Traherne Association
- Trollope Society
- Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
- Walmsley Society, The
- Wilfred Owen Association
- William Cobbett Society
- Aviation Transport
- Avon
- Avon Beekeepers Association
- Avon Gardens Trust
- Avon Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers
- Avon Reptile and Amphibian Group
- Avon Wildlife Trust
- Bath & Bristol Numismatic Society
- Bristol & Avon Family History Society
- Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society
- Council of Christians and Jews - Avon
- Festival of Nature
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Avon
- Hardy Plant Society - Wiltshire & Avon
- IWA - Avon & Wiltshire
- Local History Societies - Avon
- Photographic Societies - Avon
- West of England Nature Partnership
- Aylesbury
- Aylesbury & District Philatelic Society
- Aylesbury Flower Club
- Aylesbury Gardening Society
- Buckinghamshire Family History Society - Central
- Cheddington History Society
- ImageZ Camera Club
- Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society
- Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association
- National Trust Support - Aylesbury
- Princes Risborough Area Heritage Society
- Princes Risborough Photographic Society
- Wendover Art Club
- Aylsham
- Banbury
- Adderbury History Association
- Adderbury, Deddington & District Photographic Society
- Banbury and District Model Engineering Society
- Banbury Camera Club
- Banbury Floral Art
- Banbury Historical Society
- Banbury Ornithological Society
- Banbury Stamp Society
- Bloxham Flower Club
- Bloxham Village History Club
- Deddington & District History Society
- Middleton Cheney Garden Club
- Shipston and District Beekeepers
- Sibfords History Society, The
- Banstead
- Barking and Dagenham
- Barnet
- Amateur Geological Society - North London
- Barnet & District Beekeepers' Association
- Barnet & District Local History Society
- Barnet & Finchley Photographic Society
- Barnet Multi Faith Forum
- Barnet Society, The
- Council of Christians and Jews - Finchley
- Finchley Society, The
- Friern Barnet & District Local History Society
- Hampstead Garden Suburb Astronomical Society
- Hampstead Garden Suburb Horticultural Society
- Hendon & District Archaeological Society
- Historical Association - Hampstead & Northwest London
- Milldon Art Society
- National Trust Support - Barnet
- National Trust Support - Edgware and District
- New Barnet Amateur Gardeners and Floral Art Society
- Proms at St Jude's Music & Literary Festival
- RSPB - Potters Bar & Barnet
- Totteridge Floral Art Club
- Barnsley
- Barnsley Beekeepers Association
- Barnsley Family History Society
- Barnsley Fuchsia & Geranium Society
- Barnsley Naturalist and Scientific Society
- Barnsley Philatelic Society
- Barnsley Photographic Society
- Dearne Valley Camera Club
- Penistone Camera Club
- Skeptics in the Pub - Barnsley
- The Hapy Egyptology Society
- Wentworth Castle Gardens
- Worsborough & District Flower Club
- Barnstaple
- Barnstaple Floral Art Club
- Barnstaple Photographic Club
- Braunton Camera Club
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - North Devon
- Chulmleigh Flower Club
- High Bickington Historical Society
- Ilfracombe Floral Art Club
- Ilfracombe Museum
- North Devon Archaeological Society
- North Devon Astronomical Society
- North Devon Beekeepers Association
- South Molton & District Flower Club
- Taw & Torridge Stamp Club
- Barrow-in-Furness
- Basildon
- Basingstoke
- Basingstoke & District Beekeepers Association
- Basingstoke & District Railway Society
- Basingstoke and District Model Engineering Society
- Basingstoke Archaeological & Historical Society
- Basingstoke Astronomical Society
- Basingstoke Camera Club
- Basingstoke Canal Society, The
- Basingstoke Horticultural Society
- Basingstoke Humanists
- Basingstoke Science And Climate Café
- Bramley and Romans Floral Society
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Reading and Basingstoke
- Hampshire Genealogical Society - Basingstoke
- Kingsclere Photo Club
- National Trust Support - North Hampshire
- North Hampshire Quilters
- Oakley Camera Club
- Odiham Society, The
- RSPB - Basingstoke
- The Arts Society - Basingstoke
- Bath
- American Museum and Gardens
- Bath & Counties Archaeological Society
- Bath Astronomers
- Bath Beekeepers
- Bath Children's Literature Festival
- Bath Festivals
- Bath Geological Society
- Bath Natural History Society
- Bath Photographic Society
- Bath Preservation Trust
- Bath Railway Society
- Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution
- Batheaston Garden Group
- Bristol & Avon Family HIstory Society - Bath
- Cercle français de Bath
- City of Bath Heraldic Society
- Fashion Museum Bath
- Historical Association - Bath
- History of Bath Research Group
- Holburne Museum, The
- Jane Austen Centre
- Keynsham Wildlife Group
- Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights
- Museum of Bath at Work
- National Trust Support - Bath
- Roman Baths, Bath
- RSPB - Bath & District
- The Arts Society - Bath
- Theatre Royal Bath
- Topping & Company Booksellers
- University of Bath
- University of Bath Gardening Club
- Weston Village (Bath) Gardening Club
- William Herschel Society
- Beaconsfield
- Beaconsfield Society, The
- Chalfont St Giles and Jordans Literary Festival
- Chalfonts and Gerrards Cross Camera Club
- Chalfonts Beekeepers' Society
- Gerrards Cross Flower Club
- Middle Thames Archaeological and Historical Society
- National Trust Support - Beaconsfield
- Stoke Poges Photographic Club
- The Arts Society - Beaconsfield
- The Arts Society - Chiltern & Chalfont
- The Arts Society - Gerrards Cross
- The Arts Society - Thames
- Wooburn Festival
- Bebington
- Beccles
- Beckenham
- Bedford
- BCS - Bedford
- Bedford Architectural Archaeological & Local History Society
- Bedford Art Society
- Bedford Astronomical Society
- Bedford Camera Club
- Bedford Floral Art Society
- Bedford Model Engineering Society
- Biddenham Gardeners Association
- Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements
- Colmworth & Neighbours History Society
- Foster Hill Road Cemetery
- Historical Association - Bedford
- John Bunyan Museum
- Kempston Camera Club
- Locomotive Club of Great Britain - Bedford
- National Trust Support - Bedford
- Riseley Historical Society
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Bedford
- RSPB - Bedford
- Sharnbrook Local History Group
- Skeptics in the Pub - Bedford
- The Arts Society - Great Ouse Valley
- The Arts Society - North Bedfordshire
- The Higgins Bedford
- Willington Local History Group
- World Ship Society - Bedford & District
- Bedfordshire
- Alpine Garden Society - Bedfordshire
- Bedfordshire Bat Group
- Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association
- Bedfordshire Bird Club
- Bedfordshire Bonsai Society
- Bedfordshire Family History Society
- Bedfordshire Gardens Trust
- Bedfordshire Geology Group
- Bedfordshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Bedfordshire Humanists
- Bedfordshire Local History Association
- Bedfordshire Local Nature Partnership
- Bedfordshire Reptile & Amphibian Group
- Butterfly Conservation - Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Bedfordshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Cambridgeshire & Bedfordshire
- IET - Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire
- Local History Societies - Bedfordshire
- Photographic Societies - Bedfordshire
- Royal Society of Biology - Beds, Essex and Herts
- Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants
- Beekeeping Societies
- Avon Beekeepers Association
- Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association
- Bee Improvement & Bee Breeders Association
- Bournemouth & Dorset South Beekeepers’ Association
- British Beekeepers Association
- Bucks County Beekeepers
- Cambridgeshire Beekeepers' Association
- Central Association of BeeKeepers, The
- Cheshire Beekeepers' Association
- Cleveland Beekeepers Association
- Cornwall Beekeepers' Association
- Cumbria Beekeepers Association
- Derbyshire Beekeepers
- Devon Beekeepers' Association
- Dorset Beekeepers Association
- Dover and District Beekeepers Association
- Durham Beekeepers
- Essex Beekeepers' Association
- Federation of Middlesex Beekeepers
- Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association
- Hampshire Beekeepers' Association
- Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers Association
- Herefordshire Beekeepers Association
- Hexham Beekeepers Association
- Huntingdonshire Beekeepers' Association
- Isle of Man Beekeepers Federation
- Kendal and South Westmorland Beekeepers Association
- Kent BeeKeepers' Association
- Laddingford & District Beekeepers Association
- Lancashire Beekeepers
- Lincolnshire Beekeepers Association
- London Beekeepers' Association
- Manchester & District Beekeepers’ Association
- Medway Beekeepers’ Association
- Newbury & District Beekeepers Association
- Newcastle & District Beekeepers Association
- North Buckinghamshire Beekeepers Association
- North Staffordshire Beekeepers
- Northamptonshire Beekeepers' Association
- Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association
- Reading & District Beekeepers Association
- Scottish Beekeepers' Association
- Shropshire Beekeepers' Association
- Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead Beekeepers' Society
- Somerset Beekeepers' Association
- Stratford and District Beekeepers Association
- Suffolk Beekeepers' Association
- Surrey Beekeepers Association
- Sussex Beekeepers' Association
- Twickenham & Thames Valley Beekeepers' Association
- Warwickshire Beekeepers Association
- Welsh Beekeepers' Association
- West Cornwall Beekeepers' Association
- Wiltshire Beekeepers Association
- Worcestershire Beekeepers’ Association
- Yorkshire Beekeepers Association
- Beeston
- Berkhamsted
- Ashridge Decorative and Fine Arts Society
- Berkhamsted Art Society
- Berkhamsted Castle
- Berkhamsted Citizens Association
- Berkhamsted Local History & Museum Society
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Berkhamsted
- Graham Greene Birthplace Trust
- Natural History Museum at Tring
- Our Bookshop Tring
- The Arts Society - Gade Valley
- The Arts Society - Tring Park
- Tring & District Camera Club
- Tring & District Local History & Museum Society
- Berkshire
- BCS - Berkshire
- Berks and South Bucks Bat Group
- Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust
- Berkshire Bonsai
- Berkshire Family History Society
- Berkshire Gardens Trust
- Berkshire Geoconservation Group
- Berkshire Guild of Spinners Weavers & Dyers
- Berkshire Local History Association
- Berkshire Mammal Group, The
- Berkshire Ornithological Club
- Binfield Badger Group
- Butterfly Conservation - Upper Thames
- Council of Christians and Jews - Berkshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Berkshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Berkshire
- IET - Berkshire
- Kennet and Avon Canal Trust
- Local History Societies - Berkshire
- Photographic Societies - Berkshire
- Royal Society of Biology - Thames Valley
- Thames Valley & District Philatelic Federation
- World Ship Society - Thames Valley
- Berwick-upon-Tweed
- Belford and District Local History Society
- Berwick & District Philatelic Society
- Berwick and District Museum and Archives, Friends of
- Berwick Literary Festival
- Berwick Wildlife Group
- Berwick-upon-Tweed Civic Society
- Berwickshire Naturalists' Club
- Border Archaeological Society
- Dunse History Society
- Glendale Local History Society
- North Northumberland Bird Club
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - North Northumberland
- Till Valley Archaeological Society
- Wooler and District Camera Club
- Beverley
- Beverley Anglo-French Society
- Beverley Beekeepers' Association
- Beverley Flower Club
- Café Scientifique - Beverley
- East Riding Flower Club
- Fly Dressers' Guild - East Yorkshire
- National Trust Support - East Yorkshire
- Pocklington and District Local History Group
- Pocklington Arts Centre
- The Arts Society - Beverley
- The Arts Society - Holderness
- Bexley
- Bicester
- Bideford
- Biggleswade
- Billericay
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- A Rocha UK
- Ancient Tree Forum
- Anglesey Sea Zoo
- Born Free Foundation
- British Ecological Society
- Campaign for National Parks
- Chester Zoo
- Colchester Zoo
- Earthwatch Europe
- Ecology and Conservation Studies Society [Birkbeck]
- Ecosystems Knowledge Network
- Eden Project
- Edinburgh Zoo
- Friends of the Earth
- GeoConservationUK
- Geology Trusts, The
- GeoMôn UNESCO Global Geopark
- Habitats & Heritage
- James Hutton Institute, The
- Jurassic Coast Trust
- Linnean Society of London, The
- Local Biodiversity Partnerships: Scotland
- Local Nature Partnerships: England
- Local Nature Partnerships: Wales
- Marine Conservation Society
- National Biodiversity Network
- National Plant Monitoring Scheme
- Natural History Museum, The
- NatureScot
- Northern Ireland Environment LINK
- Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- People's Trust for Endangered Species
- Scottish Environment LINK
- Society for the History of Natural History, The
- Systematics Association
- Wales Environment LINK
- Wildlife and Countryside LINK [England]
- ZSL: Zoological Society of London
- Birkenhead
- Birmingham
- Analytical Psychotherapy Training: Birmingham
- Aston University
- Balsall Heath Local History Society
- BCS - Birmingham
- Birmingham & District Beekeepers Association
- Birmingham & District Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers
- Birmingham & Midland Institute, The
- Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society
- Birmingham Anglo-French Society
- Birmingham Astrology Group
- Birmingham Astronomical Society
- Birmingham Budgerigar Society
- Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research
- Birmingham City University
- Birmingham Council of Faiths
- Birmingham Embroidery and Textile Art
- Birmingham Humanists
- Birmingham Literature Festival
- Birmingham Museums
- Birmingham Salon
- Birmingham Skeptics
- British Button Society - Birmingham
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Birmingham
- Centre for Brexit Studies [Birmingham City]
- Centre for Printing History and Culture [Birmingham]
- City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
- Council of Christians and Jews - Birmingham
- Dickens Fellowship - Birmingham
- Eastside Projects
- IET - Birmingham
- Library of Birmingham, The
- Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
- Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
- The Arts Society - Birmingham
- The Arts Society - Birmingham Evening
- Theosophical Society in England - Birmingham
- Thinktank
- Yardley Gardeners Association
- Yardley Photographic Society
- Birmingham and Around
- Birmingham & Black Country Bat Group
- Birmingham and Black Country Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Birmingham and Black Country Local Nature Partnership
- Birmingham and Black Country Mammal Society
- Birmingham Canal Navigations Society
- Birmingham Heritage Forum
- IET - North West Midlands
- IWA - Birmingham, Black Country & Worcestershire
- Local History Societies - Birmingham and Around
- National Trust Support - Birmingham
- Photographic Societies - Birmingham and Around
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Birmingham, Wolverhampton & Cosford
- Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
- Bishop Auckland
- Bishop's Stortford
- Blackburn
- Blackpool
- Blackpool & Bispham Flower Club
- Blackpool & District Astronomical Society
- Blackpool & Fylde Beekeepers
- Blackpool & Fylde Historical Society
- Blackpool Civic Trust
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - North Fylde
- Fylde Bird Club
- Fylde Tramway Society
- LFHHS - Fylde
- North Fylde Photographic Society
- Poulton-le-Fylde Historical & Civic Society
- Poulton-le-Fylde Photographic Society
- Stanley Park and Salisbury Woodland, Friends of
- Thornton-Cleveleys Flower Arrangement Club
- Blaenau Gwent
- Blandford Forum
- Bere Regis Floral Group
- Blandford and District Floral Group
- Blandford Art Society
- Blandford Fashion Museum
- Blandford Forum Camera Club
- Blandford Forum Railway Club
- Blandford Literary Festival
- Fippenny Garden Club, Okeford Fitzpaine
- Milton Abbas Local History Group
- North Dorset Beekeepers Association
- The Valley Gardening Club
- Blyth
- Bodmin
- Bognor Regis
- Bolton
- Bolton & District Photographic Society
- Bolton Archaeology & Egyptology Society
- Bolton Astronomical Society
- Bolton Camera Club
- Bolton Family History Society
- Bolton Interfaith Council
- Bolton Library and Museum Services
- Bolton Stitch and Textile Group
- Halliwell Local History Society
- Harwood & District Flower Club
- Historical Association - Bolton
- Horwich Heritage
- National Trust Support - Bolton
- RSPB - Bolton
- The Arts Society - Bolton
- Theosophical Society in England - Bolton
- Booksellers
- All Good Bookshop, The
- Barter Books
- Blackwell's
- Book Hive, The
- Book-Ish
- Booka Bookshop
- BookBar Islington
- Bookcase, The
- Brendon Books
- Broadway Bookshop, The
- Chepstow Bookshop
- Chiltern Bookshops
- City Books
- Cogito Books
- Cover to Cover
- Daunt Books
- David's Bookshop
- Diss Publishing Bookshop
- Edinburgh Bookshop, The
- Foyles
- Gay's The Word
- Goldsboro Books
- Hayling Island Bookshop, The
- Holt Bookshop, The
- House of Books & Friends
- Housmans Radical Booksellers
- Hungerford Bookshop, The
- Jaffé & Neale Bookshop
- Jarrold
- Kirkdale Bookshop
- Linghams Booksellers
- London Review Bookshop
- Lutyens & Rubinstein Bookshop
- Max Minerva's
- Medina Bookshop
- Mostly Books
- Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights
- Much Ado Books
- Newham Bookshop
- News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop
- Our Bookshop Tring
- Pages of Hackney
- Plackitt & Booth
- Rossiter Books
- Silverwood Events
- Simply Books
- Stanfords
- The Bookshop by the Sea
- Topping & Company Booksellers
- Urmston Bookshop
- Warwick Books
- Waterstones
- Watkins Books
- Wivenhoe Bookshop, The
- Yeadon's of Elgin and Banchory
- Botanic Gardens and Arboreta
- Cruickshank Botanic Garden
- Dundee Botanic Garden
- Durham University Botanic Garden
- National Botanic Garden of Wales
- Ness Botanic Gardens
- Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum
- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
- Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
- Sheffield Botanical Gardens
- South London Botanical Institute
- St Andrews Botanic Garden
- The Harris Garden
- Treborth Botanic Garden
- University of Bristol Botanic Garden
- University of Leicester Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum
- Bournemouth
- Arts University Bournemouth
- bh photography club
- Boscombe Camera Club
- Bournemouth & Dorset South Beekeepers’ Association
- Bournemouth Arts Club
- Bournemouth in Bloom
- Bournemouth Natural Science Society
- Bournemouth Orchid Society
- Bournemouth University
- Café Scientifique - Bournemouth
- Council of Christians and Jews - Bournemouth & Wessex
- East Dorset Beekeepers Association
- Highcliffe Horticultural Society
- Historical Association - Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole
- Philately in the Bournemouth Area
- Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum
- Skeptics in the Pub - Bournemouth
- The Arts Society - Bournemouth & East Dorset
- Wessex Bonsai Society
- Bracknell
- Berkshire Family History Society - Bracknell
- Bracknell Camera Club
- Bracknell Flower Club
- Bracknell Forest Natural History Society
- Bracknell Forest Society
- California Gardeners' Club
- Finchampstead Flower Club
- RSPB - Wokingham & Bracknell
- Sandhurst & Crowthorne Flower Club
- Sandhurst and District Gardening Club
- Sandhurst Camera Club
- Sunningdale and Ascot Camera Club
- The Arts Society - Ascot
- The Arts Society - Englemere
- The Arts Society - Windlebrook
- The Arts Society - Wokingham
- Wokingham & District Embroiderers' Guild
- Wokingham & District Philatelic Society
- Wokingham and East Berkshire Camera Club
- Wokingham District Veteran Tree Association
- Wokingham Flower Club
- Wokingham Literary Society
- Wokingham Society, The
- Bradford
- Bradford and District Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers
- Bradford Astronomical Society
- Bradford Beekeepers Association
- Bradford Botany Group
- Bradford Camera Club
- Bradford Family History Society
- Bradford Flower Club
- Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society
- Bradford Literature Festival
- Bradford Mechanics Institute Library
- Bradford Ornithological Group
- Bradford Railway Circle
- Bradford Textile Society
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Bradford
- Cottingley Village History Society
- Impressions Gallery
- Low Moor Local History Group
- National Science and Media Museum
- Pudsey Flower Club
- RSPB - Airedale & Bradford
- The John and Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies [Bradford]
- University of Bradford
- Bradford-on-Avon
- Braintree
- Braintree Beekeepers' Association
- Braintree Camera Club
- Braintree Flower Club
- Braintree Organic Gardening Club
- Dunmow Photography Club
- Feering Flower Club
- Great Notley Photography Club
- Halstead & District Local History Society
- Halstead & District Photographic Society
- Hedingham Heritage Society
- Mid Essex Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers
- North Essex Astronomical Society
- Stebbing Local History Society
- Brent
- Brentwood
- Bridgend
- Bridgend & District Beekeepers Association
- Bridgend and District Local History Society
- Bridgend Astronomical Society
- Bridgend Camera Club
- Llantwit Major Local History Society
- Local Nature Partnership - Bridgend
- Porthcawl Art Society
- Porthcawl Floral Arrangement Society
- Tondu and District Art Society
- Vale of Glamorgan and Bridgend Bat Group
- Bridgwater
- Bridgwater & District Civic Society
- Bridgwater and District Archaeological Society
- Bridgwater Blake Museum
- Bridgwater Photographic Society
- Sedgemoor Camera Club
- Somerset Beekeepers' Association - Burnham
- Somerset Beekeepers' Association - Quantock
- Stowey Gardeners
- The Arts Society - Sedgemoor
- Westonzoyland Pumping Station Museum
- Bridport
- Beaminster Festival
- Bridport & District Gardening Club
- Bridport Arts Centre
- Bridport Camera Club
- Bridport Literary Festival
- Bridport Museum
- Eype Centre for the Arts
- National Trust Support - Golden Cap
- Somerset & Dorset Family History Society - West Dorset
- West Dorset Beekeepers' Association
- West Dorset Flower Club
- Brighouse
- Brighton and Hove
- Association of Sussex Philatelic Societies
- Brighthink
- Brighton & Hove Geological Society
- Brighton & Hove Interfaith Contact Group
- Brighton & Hove Society of Miniature Locomotive Engineers
- Brighton & Lewes Beekeepers
- Brighton and Hove Archaeological Society
- Brighton and Hove Camera Club
- Brighton and Hove Flower Decoration Club
- Brighton and Hove Organic Gardening Group
- Brighton Astro
- Brighton Book Festival
- Brighton Embroidery Group
- Brighton Festival
- Brighton Humanists
- Brighton Science Festival
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Brighton and Hove
- Cercle français de Brighton et Hove
- City Books
- Council of Christians and Jews - Brighton
- Fabrica
- Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society - South East
- Hove Civic Society
- Institute of Development Studies
- Lighthouse [Brighton]
- Locomotive Club of Great Britain - Brighton
- National Trust Support - Brighton and Hove
- Regency Society, The
- Royal Pavilion & Museums
- RSPB - Brighton & District
- Sussex County Art Club
- Sussex Egyptology Society
- Sussex Family History Group - Brighton & Hove
- The Arts Society - Brighton & Hove
- University of Brighton
- University of Sussex
- Bristol
- Aerospace Bristol
- Alpine Garden Society - Bristol
- Arnolfini
- Arnos Vale Cemetery
- Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife Project
- Barton Hill History Group
- BCS - Bristol and Bath
- Bishopston, Horfield & Ashley Down Local History Society
- Brislington Conservation and History Society
- Bristol & Avon Family HIstory Society - Bristol
- Bristol & Clifton Dickens Society
- Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society
- Bristol Astronomical Society
- Bristol Beekeepers
- Bristol Civic Society
- Bristol Dowsers
- Bristol French Circle
- Bristol Ideas
- Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society
- Bristol Inter Faith Group
- Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives: Friends of
- Bristol Naturalists' Society
- Bristol Open Doors
- Bristol Ornithological Club
- Bristol Photographic Society
- Bristol Quilters
- Bristol Railway Circle
- Bristol Society of Model and Experimental Engineers
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Bristol
- British Horological Institute - Bristol
- Butterfly Conservation - Somerset & Bristol
- C. G. Jung Public Lectures, Bristol
- Christians in Science - Bristol
- Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society
- Clifton Quilters
- Crown Monochrome Group
- Design West
- Downend Camera Club
- Egypt Society of Bristol, The
- Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research
- Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences [Bristol]
- Ffestiniog Railway Society - Bristol
- Great Western Society - Bristol
- Hanham & Kingswood Photo Club
- Hanham Local History Society
- Henleaze Garden Club
- Historical Association - Bristol
- Historical Model Railway Society - Bristol
- IET - Bristol
- Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society
- Keynsham Photographic Society
- Kingswood History Society
- Knowle and Totterdown Local History Society
- Lincombe Barn Camera Club
- LYRA Bristol Poetry Festival
- Max Minerva's
- North West Bristol Camera Club
- PolicyBristol
- Prometheus Trust, The
- RCTS - Bristol
- Reflex Camera Club
- Resound Camera Club
- Richard III Society - Gloucester & Bristol
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Bristol
- Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy, The
- South Bristol Gardening Club
- Spike Island
- Stoke Bishop Local History Group
- The Arts Society - Bristol
- Theosophical Society in England - Bristol
- University of Bristol
- University of Bristol Botanic Garden
- University of the West of England
- Watershed
- Western Power Electricity Historical Society
- Wilderness Lectures
- World Ship Society - Bristol
- Brixham
- Broadstairs
- Bromley
- Biggin Hill and District Horticultural Society
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Bromley
- Bromley & District Floral Society
- Bromley Beekeepers
- Bromley Borough Local History Society
- Bromley Camera Club
- Historical Association - Beckenham & Bromley
- Mottingham Floral Arrangement Society
- National Trust Support - Beckenham & Bromley
- North West Kent Family History Society - Bromley
- The Arts Society - Bromley
- West Wickham Floral Art Group
- West Wickham Photographic Society
- Bromsgrove
- Bromsgrove & District Flower Arrangement Society
- Bromsgrove Astronomical Society
- Bromsgrove Photographic Society
- Bromsgrove Railway Club
- Bromsgrove Society of Model Engineers
- Bromsgrove Society, The
- Clent Gardening Club
- Clent History Society
- Dodford Gardening Club
- Hagley Historical and Field Society
- Lickey Hills Local History Society
- National Trust Support - North Worcestershire
- North East Worcestershire Beekeepers' Association
- Romsley and Hunnington History Society
- Buckingham
- Buckinghamshire
- Berks and South Bucks Bat Group
- Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust
- Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership
- Buckinghamshire Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society
- Buckinghamshire Badger Group
- Buckinghamshire Bird Club
- Buckinghamshire Family History Society
- Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust
- Buckinghamshire Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers
- Bucks County Beekeepers
- Bucks County Museum
- Bucks Geology Group
- Butterfly Conservation - Upper Thames
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Buckinghamshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
- Historical Association - Buckinghamshire
- IET - Buckinghamshire
- IWA - Chiltern
- Local History Societies - Buckinghamshire
- North Bucks Bat Group
- Photographic Societies - Buckinghamshire
- Royal Society of Biology - Thames Valley
- Thames Valley Dowsers
- Thames Valley Orchid Society
- Western Front Association - Ox & Bucks
- Bude
- Burgess Hill
- Burnley
- Burton upon Trent
- Bury
- Bury St Edmunds
- Athenaeum Astronomy Association
- Bury St Edmunds Past and Present Society
- Bury St Edmunds Photographic Society
- Heritage Circle - Rickinghall Botesdale Redgrave Hinderclay
- Hoxne Heritage Group
- Suffolk Family History Society - Bury St Edmunds
- The Arts Society - Bury St Edmunds
- Tostock Past & Present Society
- Walsham History Group
- West Suffolk Beekeepers' Association
- Buxton
- Caerphilly
- Camberley
- Cambridge
- Ancient India & Iran Trust
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Bottisham & Burwell Photographic Club
- Bourn Garden Club
- British Antarctic Survey
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Cambridge
- Cambridge Antiquarian Society
- Cambridge Archaeology Field Group
- Cambridge Astronomical Association
- Cambridge Bibliographical Society
- Cambridge Camera Club
- Cambridge Dickens Fellowship
- Cambridge Festival
- Cambridge Humanist Group
- Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme
- Cambridge Library Group
- Cambridge Literary Festival
- Cambridge Museum of Technology
- Cambridge Natural History Society
- Cambridge Orchid Society
- Cambridge Philatelic Society
- Cambridge Philosophical Society
- Cambridge Quilters
- Cambridge Railway Circle
- Cambridge Science Festival
- Cambridge Skeptics
- Cambridge University Library
- Centre of African Studies [Cambridge]
- Cherry Hinton Local History Society
- Chesterton Garden Club
- Churchill College Cambridge
- Cottenham Village Society
- Darwin College Cambridge
- Department of Computer Science and Technology [Cambridge]
- Department of Engineering [Cambridge]
- Department of Physics [Cambridge]
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences [Anglia Ruskin]
- Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, The
- Fen Edge Archaeology Group
- Ffestiniog Railway Society - East Anglian
- Fitzwilliam College
- Fowlmere & Thriplow Gardening Club
- Fulbourn Village History Society
- Gamlingay & District History Society
- Girton Garden Society
- Harston Local History Group
- Histon and Impington Village Society
- Historical Association - Cambridge
- Hughes Hall Cambridge
- IET - Cambridge
- Institute of Astronomy [Cambridge]
- Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- Jesus College Cambridge
- King's College Cambridge
- Longstanton & District Heritage Society
- Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge
- Magdalene College Cambridge
- Mill Road History Society
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - Cambridge
- Newnham College Cambridge
- Orwell Local History Society
- Philippa Pearce Memorial Lecture, The
- RCTS - Cambridge
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Cambridge
- Sawston Village History Society
- School of Arts and Humanities [Cambridge]
- School of the Humanities and Social Sciences [Cambridge]
- St John's College Cambridge
- The Arts Society - Cambridge
- The Arts Society - Cantab
- The Arts Society - Granta
- The Arts Society - South Cambs
- Thriplow Society
- Transition Cambridge
- Trinity College Cambridge
- University of Cambridge
- University of Cambridge Museums & Botanic Garden
- Von Hügel Institute for Critical Catholic Inquiry
- Welsh Highland Railway Society - East Anglian
- West Wickham & District Local History Club
- Wilberforce Society, The
- Wolfson College Cambridge
- Woolf Institute
- Cambridgeshire
- Butterfly Conservation - Cambridgeshire and Essex
- Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Family History Society
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Cambridgeshire Association for Local History
- Cambridgeshire Badger Group
- Cambridgeshire Bat Group
- Cambridgeshire Beekeepers' Association
- Cambridgeshire Bird Club
- Cambridgeshire Gardens Trust
- Cambridgeshire Geological Society
- Cambridgeshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Cambridgeshire Mammal Group
- Fenland Heritage Network
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cambridgeshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Cambridgeshire & Bedfordshire
- Local History Societies - Cambridgeshire
- Photographic Societies - Cambridgeshire
- Plant Heritage - Cambridgeshire
- Western Front Association - Cambridgeshire
- Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants
- Camden
- Camden History Society
- Eccles Centre for American Studies (British Library)
- Francis Crick Institute, The
- Highgate Cemetery
- Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution
- Highgate Society
- Highgate Watercolour Group
- Jewish Community Centre for London (JW3)
- Jewish Museum London
- Prometheus Trust, The
- Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Royal Society for Asian Affairs
- Stereoscopic Society - London
- The Arts Society - Highgate
- University of London Extra-Mural Literature Association (ULEMLA)
- Canal and River Transport
- Basingstoke Canal Society, The
- Birmingham Canal Navigations Society
- Bude Canal & Harbour Society
- Cromford Canal, Friends of
- Derby and Sandiacre Canal Society
- Gloucester Waterways Museum, Friends of
- Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal Trust
- Inland Waterways Association
- Kennet and Avon Canal Trust
- London Canal Museum
- Macclesfield Canal Society
- Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society
- National Waterways Museum
- Railway & Canal Historical Society (RCHS)
- River & Rowing Museum
- Stratford upon Avon Canal Society
- Worcester Birmingham & Droitwich Canals Society
- Cannock
- Canterbury
- Alpine Garden Society - East Kent
- Barham & District Horticultural Society
- Beltinge Gardeners' Society
- Betjeman Society - Canterbury
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Herne Bay
- Canterbury Beekeepers
- Canterbury Festival
- Canterbury Flower Club
- Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society
- Canterbury Society of Art
- Canterbury Society, The
- Dickens Fellowship - Canterbury
- Herne Bay Flower Arrangement Society
- Herne Bay Photographic Club
- Herne Bay Stamp & Postal History Society
- Herne Rose & Gardening Club
- Historical Association - Canterbury
- Kent Family History Society - Canterbury
- National Trust Support - East Kent
- Oast Quilters
- The Arts Society - Canterbury
- The Arts Society - Canterbury Central
- University of Kent
- Western Front Association - Kent (East)
- Whitstable and District Horticultural Society
- Whitstable Flower Club
- Whitstable Photographic Group
- Cardiff
- Cardiff Archaeological Society
- Cardiff Astronomical Society
- Cardiff Bat Group
- Cardiff Bonsai Club
- Cardiff Camera Club
- Cardiff Castle
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- Cardiff Model Engineering Society
- Cardiff Naturalists' Society
- Cardiff Philatelic Society
- Cardiff Science Festival
- Cardiff Scientific Society
- Cardiff Theosophical Society in Wales
- Cardiff University
- Cardiff, Vale & Valleys Beekeepers
- Council of Christians and Jews - Cardiff
- Forest Farm, Friends of
- Historical Association - Cardiff
- Llandaff Society
- Llanishen Local History Society
- Local Nature Partnership - Cardiff
- Public Philosophy in Cardiff
- Rhiwbina Camera Club
- Rhiwbina Floral Society
- Rhiwbina Society, The
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Cardiff
- RSPB - Cardiff & District
- School of Earth and Environmental Sciences [Cardiff]
- Science in Health Public Lecture Series
- Seren Cardiff Poetry Festival
- Skeptics in the Pub - Cardiff
- Société franco-britannique de Cardiff
- South Wales Art Society
- The Arts Society - Cardiff
- WHGT - South and Mid Glamorgan
- Whitchurch (Cardiff) Camera Club
- Carlisle
- Carmarthenshire
- Carmarthen and District Beekeeping Association
- Carmarthen Photographic Society
- Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society
- Carmarthenshire Bird Club
- Dyfed Family History Society - Carmarthen
- Dyfed Family History Society - Llandovery
- Dyfed Family History Society - Llanelli
- East Carmarthen Beekeepers Association
- Kidwelly Camera Club
- Llandeilo & District Gardening Club
- Llanelli Art Society
- Llanelli Floral Art Society
- Llanelli Naturalists
- Llanelli Wetland Centre
- Local Nature Partnership - Carmarthenshire
- National Botanic Garden of Wales
- Orchid Study Group
- Pembrey & Burry Port Photographic Society
- Towy Valley Camera Club
- WHGT - Carmarthenshire
- Caterham
- Bletchingley Conservation and Historical Society
- Caterham Art Group
- Chaldon History Group
- Godstone Gardeners' Club
- Hurst Green Gardening Club
- Nutfield History Group
- Oxted & District Local History Society
- Oxted and Limpsfield Floral Design Club
- RH7 History Group
- Tandridge Handicraft Society
- Tandridge Photographic Society
- The Arts Society - Limpsfield
- Causeway Coast and Glens
- Central Scotland
- Ceredigion
- Aberystwyth & District Civic Society
- Aberystwyth & District Floral Society
- Aberystwyth Arts Centre
- Cardiganshire Family History Society
- Ceredigion Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers
- Ceredigion Historical Society
- Ceredigion Local History Forum
- Dyfed Family History Society - Cardigan
- Lampeter Beekeepers' Association
- Local Nature Partnership - Ceredigion
- National Trust Support - Ceredigion
- Teifiside Beekeepers Association
- The Bookshop by the Sea
- University of Wales Trinity St David
- WHGT - Ceredigion
- Chard
- Chelmsford
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Baddow Camera Club
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Chelmsford
- Broomfield Cottage Gardeners Society
- Cercle français de Chelmsford
- Chelmsford Beekeepers
- Chelmsford Camera Club
- Chelmsford City Museum
- Danbury & Little Baddow Horticultural Society
- Essex Skeptics in the Pub
- Essex Society for Family History - Chelmsford
- Galleywood Horticultural Society
- Great Baddow Horticultural Society
- Hatfield Peverel Flower Club
- IWA - Chelmsford
- Little Waltham Gardening Club
- Moulsham Lodge Camera Club
- National Trust Support - Chelmsford & District
- RHS Garden - Hyde Hall
- RSPB - Chelmsford & Central Essex
- Springfield Camera Club
- The Arts Society - Mid Essex
- Writtle Art Group
- Cheltenham
- Aquarius Severn Astrology Society
- BCS - Cheltenham and Gloucester
- British Horological Institute - Cheltenham
- Brockhampton Quilters
- Cercle français de Cheltenham
- Chapel Arts Cheltenham
- Cheltenham & District Orchid Society
- Cheltenham & Gloucester Branch of the Gloucestershire Beekeepers
- Cheltenham Bird Club
- Cheltenham Camera Club
- Cheltenham Civic Society
- Cheltenham Dowsers
- Cheltenham Flower Club
- Cheltenham Horticultural Society
- Cheltenham Inter Faith
- Cheltenham Italian Society
- Cheltenham Literature Festival
- Cheltenham Local History Society
- Cheltenham Mineral & Geological Society
- Cheltenham Poetry Festival
- Cheltenham Science Festival
- Cheltenham Society of Model Engineers
- Cotswold Astronomical Society
- Cottage Garden Society - Cotswolds
- Gotherington & Area Local History Society
- Holst Victorian House
- Leckhampton Local History Society
- Montpellier Quilters of Cheltenham
- RCTS - Cheltenham
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Gloucester & Cheltenham
- Sevenhampton Garden Club
- The Arts Society - Cheltenham
- Western Front Association - Cheltenham & Gloucester
- Wilson, The
- Chesham
- Cheshire
- British Horological Institute - Merseyside, North Wales and West Cheshire
- Butterfly Conservation - Cheshire and Wirral
- Cheshire and North Wales Orchid Society
- Cheshire Beekeepers' Association
- Cheshire Gardens Trust
- Cheshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Cheshire Local History Association
- Cheshire Wildlife Trust
- Cottage Garden Society - Cheshire
- Family History Society of Cheshire (FHSC)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cheshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Cheshire and Friends
- IET - Mersey & Western Cheshire including the Isle of Man
- IWA - North Staffordshire & South Cheshire
- Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, The
- Local History Societies - Cheshire
- Photographic Societies - Cheshire
- Plant Heritage - Cheshire
- RCTS - Merseyside, Cheshire & North Wales
- Richard III Society - North Mercia
- West Cheshire Museums
- Western Front Association - Lancashire and Cheshire
- Wirral and Cheshire Badger Group
- Wirral History and Heritage Association
- Chester
- Ashton Hayes & Tarvin Flower Club
- Ashton Hayes Gardening Club
- BCS - Chester and North Wales
- Chester Archaeological Society
- Chester Astronomical Society
- Chester Civic Trust
- Chester Flower Club
- Chester Humanists
- Chester Literature Festival
- Chester Patchworkers & Quilters
- Chester Photographic Society
- Chester Society for Landscape History
- Chester Zoo
- Ffestiniog Railway Society - Dee and Mersey
- FHSC - Chester
- Handbridge Flower Club
- Hargrave & Huxley Historical Group
- Historical Association - Manchester (with Liverpool & Chester)
- Hoole History and Heritage Society
- IWA - Chester & Merseyside
- Pulford & Poulton Local History Group
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Chester
- Rural Chester Flower Club
- The Arts Society - Chester
- Theosophical Society in England - Chester
- University of Chester
- Upton by Chester Flower Club
- Chester-le-Street
- Chesterfield
- Alpine Garden Society - Chesterfield and District
- Barrow Hill Roundhouse
- Baslow Flower Circle
- Baslow Garden Society
- Bolsover Camera Club
- Bolsover Castle
- Bolsover Civic Society
- Chatsworth House & Gardens
- Chesterfield & District Model Engineering Society
- Chesterfield and District Family History Society
- Chesterfield Astronomical Society
- Chesterfield Photographic Society
- Chesterfield Psychic Study Group
- Clay Cross Photographic Society
- Peak Railway Association - Chesterfield
- RSPB - Chesterfield
- Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt, The
- South Normanton Gardeners Association
- Tupton History Society
- Western Front Association - Chesterfield
- Winding Wheel Theatre
- Chichester
- Bosham, Chidham & District Horticultural Society
- Chichester & District Archaeology Society
- Chichester & District Philatelic Society
- Chichester Art Society
- Chichester Camera Club
- Chichester Cathedral
- Chichester Centre for Fairy Tales, Fantasy and Speculative Fiction
- Chichester Humanists
- Chichester Literary Society
- Chichester Natural History Society
- Chichester Organic Gardening Society
- Donnington Gardening Club
- Fernhurst Horticultural Society
- Fernhurst Society
- Hamblin Centre, The
- Historical Association - Chichester
- Lavant Horticultural Society
- Novium Museum, The
- Pallant House Gallery
- Petworth Festival
- Petworth House and Park
- RCTS - Chichester
- RSPB - Chichester
- Selsey Camera Club
- The Arts Society - Boxgrove
- The Arts Society - Chichester
- The Arts Society - Chichester Evening
- The Arts Society - Chichester Lavant Valley
- The Arts Society - City of Chichester
- Uppark House and Garden
- Weald & Downland Living Museum
- Witterings Camera Club
- Chippenham
- Chipping Campden
- Chipping Norton
- Chorley
- Christchurch
- Christianity
- A Rocha UK
- Anglican and Eastern Churches Association
- Anglo Catholic History Society, The
- Art + Christianity
- Arts Centre Group
- Baptist Historical Society
- Bible Society
- Blackfriars
- Christians Aware
- Christians in Library and Information Services
- Christians in Science
- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Churches Together in England
- College of Preachers, The
- Ecclesiastical Law Society
- Evangelical Library, The
- Fleet Street Talks
- General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, The
- Green Christian
- Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland, The
- John Bunyan Museum
- John Stott London Lecture
- Lambeth Palace Library
- Luther King Centre for Theology and Ministry
- Manchester Wesley Research Centre
- Montgomery Trust, The
- North East Catholic History Society
- North East Methodist History Society
- Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
- Prayer Book Society, The
- Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland
- Royal School of Church Music
- Strict Baptist Historical Society
- Traherne Association
- Wesley Historical Society
- William Temple Foundation
- Churches, Cathedrals and Abbeys
- Association of English Cathedrals
- Beauchief Abbey
- Cairns Church Milngavie
- Chichester Cathedral
- Deerhurst Church
- Diocese of London [Anglican]
- Diocese of Westminster [Roman Catholic]
- Diocese of York [Anglican]
- Dorchester Abbey
- Gloucester Cathedral
- Hereford Cathedral
- Lincoln Cathedral
- Norwich Cathedral
- Society for Church Archaeology
- Southwell Minster
- St Albans Cathedral
- St Martin-in-the-Fields
- St Marylebone Parish Church
- St Paul's Cathedral
- Westminster Abbey Institute
- Cinderford
- Cirencester
- Cirencester Archaeological and Historical Society
- Cirencester Beekeepers
- Cirencester Camera Club
- Cirencester Civic Society
- Cirencester Science & Technology Society
- Corinium Museum
- Down Ampney Gardening Club
- Fairford History Society
- Lechlade Art Society
- Lechlade Gardening Club
- Lechlade History Society
- The Arts Society - Corinium
- The Arts Society - Upper Thames
- City of Belfast
- Belfast Book Festival
- Belfast Geologists' Society
- Belfast International Arts Festival
- Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, The
- Belfast Naturalists' Field Club
- Belfast Photo Imaging Club
- Belfast Titanic Society
- Catchlight Camera Club
- Cave Hill Conservation Campaign
- Cercle français de Belfast
- City of Belfast Photographic Society
- Council of Christians and Jews - Belfast
- East Belfast Historical Society
- Holywood Floral Art Society
- Linen Hall Library
- National Trust Support - Belfast
- North of Ireland Family History Society - Belfast
- Queen's University Belfast
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Belfast
- The Imagine! Festival
- City of London
- Arab British Centre, The
- Barbican, The
- Bishopsgate Institute
- City of London & Cripplegate Photographic Society
- City of London Archaeological Society
- City of London Libraries
- Dr Johnson's House
- Fleet Street Talks
- Foreign Policy Centre, The
- Friends of The City Churches
- Gresham College
- Guildhall School of Music & Drama
- London Symphony Orchestra
- Royal Philatelic Society London, The
- St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
- St Paul's Cathedral
- Stationers' Company, The
- Tower of London
- Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, The
- Civic Societies and Trusts
- Aberdeen Civic Society
- Aberystwyth & District Civic Society
- Ainsdale Civic Society
- Aldershot Civic Society
- Alnwick Civic Society
- Ashton-under-Lyne Civic Society
- Barnet Society, The
- Barrow-in-Furness Civic & Local History Society
- Bath Preservation Trust
- Battersea Society, The
- Beaconsfield Society, The
- Bedworth Society, The
- Beeston and District Civic Society
- Berkhamsted Citizens Association
- Berwick-upon-Tweed Civic Society
- Betchworth and Buckland Society
- Bewdley Civic Society
- Bishop's Waltham Society
- Blackpool Civic Trust
- Bollington Civic Society
- Bolsover Civic Society
- Bracknell Forest Society
- Bridgwater & District Civic Society
- Bristol Civic Society
- Broadstairs Society, The
- Bromsgrove Society, The
- Canterbury Society, The
- Cheltenham Civic Society
- Chepstow Society, The
- Chesham Society, The
- Chester Civic Trust
- Cirencester Civic Society
- City of Southampton Society
- Civic Society of St Ives
- Clapham Society, The
- Clevedon Civic Society
- Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society
- Clitheroe Civic Society
- Cockermouth Civic Trust
- Conwy Valley Civic Society
- Corsham Civic Society
- Coventry Society
- Cramond Association, The
- Deal Society, The
- Desborough Civic Society
- Doncaster Civic Trust
- Dover Society, The
- Droitwich Spa Civic Society
- Dronfield Civic Society
- Dulwich Society, The
- Dundee Civic Trust
- Ealing Civic Society
- Eltham Society, The
- Enfield Society, The
- Fareham Society, The
- Farnham Society, The
- Faversham Society, The
- Finchley Society, The
- Formby Civic Society
- Fulham Society, The
- Gateacre Society, The
- Godalming Trust
- Goole Civic Society
- Gosport Society
- Guildford Society, The
- Hackney Society, The
- Hadleigh Society, The
- Halifax Civic Trust
- Harpenden Society, The
- Harwich Society, The
- Headley Society, The
- Hereford Civic Society
- Herne Hill Society, The
- Hertford Civic Society
- High Wycombe Society, The
- Highgate Society
- Hoddesdon Society, The
- Honley Civic Society
- Hove Civic Society
- Howden Civic Society
- Huddersfield Civic Society
- Hull Civic Society
- Hunstanton Society
- Hythe Civic Society
- Inverness Civic Trust
- Ipswich Society, The
- Isleham Society, The
- Kettering Civic Society
- Kidderminster Civic Society
- King's Lynn Civic Society
- Kingston upon Thames Society, The
- Kirkby Lonsdale & District Civic Society
- Knowle Society, The
- Lancaster Civic Society
- Ledbury and District Civic Society
- Leicester Civic Society
- Letchworth Garden City Society, The
- Lewes Civic Society, The
- Lichfield Civic Society
- Little Bowden Society
- Littleborough Civic Trust
- Llandaff Society
- Lubenham Heritage Group
- Ludlow Civic Society
- Lyme Regis Society, The
- Lymington Society, The
- Maidenhead Civic Society
- Malvern Civic Society
- March Society, The
- Margate Civic Society
- Market Bosworth Society
- Marple Civic Society
- Melbourne Civic Society
- Nailsworth Society
- Neston Civic Society
- New Glasgow Society
- Newark Civic Trust
- Newbury Society, The
- Northumberland & Newcastle Society
- Norwich Society, The
- Norwood Society, The
- Nottingham Civic Society
- Odiham Society, The
- Oxford Civic Society
- Oxford Preservation Trust
- Peckham Society, The
- Peel Heritage Trust
- Penarth Civic Society
- Pershore Civic Society
- Peterborough Civic Society
- Portchester Civic Society
- Portsmouth Society, The
- Potteries Heritage Society
- Potters Bar Society
- Putney Society, The
- Ramsgate Society, The
- Reigate & Redhill Society, The
- Retford Civic Society
- Rhiwbina Society, The
- Ripon Civic Society
- Romsey & District Society
- Ross-on-Wye & District Civic Society
- Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society
- Salisbury Civic Society
- Scarborough & District Civic Society
- Sevenoaks Society, The
- Shoreham Society
- Sid Vale Association
- Skipton Civic Society
- Sonning & Sonning Eye Society
- Southgate District Civic Voice
- Southwick (Sussex) Society
- St Albans Civic Society
- Stamford Civic Society
- Stourport Civic Society
- Stow and District Civic Society
- Streatham Society, The
- Stroud Civic Society
- Sudbury Society, The
- Sutton Coldfield Civic Society
- Tewkesbury Civic Society
- Tipton Civic Society
- Tiverton Civic Society
- Tonbridge Civic Society
- Topsham Community Association
- Usk Civic Society
- Wandsworth Society
- West Derby Society
- Westerham Society, The
- Weymouth Civic Society
- Whitby Civic Society
- Wigan Civic Trust
- Wimbledon Society, The
- Wimborne Civic Society
- Windsor and Eton Society, The
- Wokingham Society, The
- Wolverhampton Society, The
- Woodbridge & Melton Society
- Worthing Society, The
- Yateley Society, The
- Clacton-on-Sea
- Cleethorpes
- Clevedon
- Backwell Camera Club
- Clevedon Art Club
- Clevedon Civic Society
- Clevedon Gardeners' Club
- Fagus
- Nailsea and District Local History Society
- North Somerset Beekeepers
- Pill and District Gardening Club
- Portishead Camera Club
- Portishead Horticultural Society
- WC&P Railway Group
- Yatton & District Horticultural Society
- Yatton Local History Society
- Clitheroe
- Colchester
- Alresford Camera Club
- Ardleigh & District Horticultural Society
- Café Scientifique - Colchester
- Colchester + Ipswich Museums
- Colchester Archaeological Group
- Colchester Beekeepers
- Colchester Creative Shots
- Colchester Natural History Society
- Colchester Photographic Society
- Colchester Society of Model & Experimental Engineers
- Colchester Zoo
- Essex Society for Family History - Colchester
- Firstsite
- Fordham History Society
- Lexden History Group
- Manningtree and District Photographic Society
- Mersea Island Photographic Society
- RSPB - Colchester
- The Arts Society - Colchester
- University of Essex
- Wivenhoe Bookshop, The
- Composer Societies and Trusts
- Congleton
- Consett
- Conwy
- Cornwall
- Botanical Cornwall Group
- Butterfly Conservation - Cornwall
- Cormwall Science Community
- Cornish Institute of Engineers
- Cornwall Archaeological Society
- Cornwall Astronomy Society
- Cornwall Beekeepers' Association
- Cornwall Bird Watching & Preservation Society
- Cornwall Faith Forum
- Cornwall Family History Society
- Cornwall Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers
- Cornwall Humanists
- Cornwall Mammal Group
- Cornwall Railway Society
- Cornwall Reptile & Amphibian Group
- Cornwall Wildlife Trust
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cornwall
- Hardy Plant Society - Cornwall
- IET - Devon & Cornwall
- Kernow Goth
- Local History Societies - Cornwall
- Photographic Societies - Cornwall
- Plant Heritage - Cornwall
- Richard III Society - Devon & Cornwall
- Royal Cornwall Museum
- Royal Geological Society of Cornwall
- Royal Society of Biology - Devon and Cornwall
- Tamar Dowsers
- Trevithick Society, The
- Virtual Café Sci - Cornwall Science Community
- West Cornwall Beekeepers' Association
- Western Front Association - Devon and Cornwall
- County Durham
- Architectural & Archaeological Society of Durham & Northumberland
- Cutting Edge NAFAS
- Durham Beekeepers
- Durham County Badger Group
- Durham Wildlife Trust
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - County Durham
- Local History Societies - County Durham
- National Trust Support - County Durham
- Northumberland & Durham Family History Society
- Photographic Societies - County Durham
- The Arts Society - North Yorkshire & South Durham
- Coventry
- Balsall & District Horticultural Society
- BCS - Coventry
- Berkswell Flower Club
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Coventry
- Centrix Contemporary Design
- Corley & Fillongley Photographic Club
- Coventry & District Natural History & Scientific Society
- Coventry & Warwickshire Astronomical Society
- Coventry & Warwickshire Humanists
- Coventry & Warwickshire Materials Society
- Coventry and District Archaeological Society
- Coventry Beekeepers Association
- Coventry Family History Society
- Coventry Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Coventry Photographic Society
- Coventry Society
- Coventry Stamp and Postcard Society
- Coventry University
- Earlsdon Gardening Club
- Grange Photographic Society
- Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
- IET - Coventry and Warwickshire
- Jaguar Photographic Society
- Meriden Floral Society
- National Trust Support - Coventry
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Coventry
- Stereoscopic Society - Coventry
- The Arts Society - Coventry
- University of Warwick
- Cranleigh
- Crawley
- Crediton
- Crewe
- Crowborough
- Croydon
- Bourne Society, The
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Croydon
- Croydon and District Orchid Society
- Croydon Art Society
- Croydon Astronomical Society
- Croydon Beekeepers Association
- Croydon Camera Club
- Croydon Natural History & Scientific Society
- Faiths Together in Croydon
- Historic Croydon Airport Trust
- Old Coulsdon Camera Club
- Purley Literary Society
- RCTS - Croydon & South London
- RSPB - Croydon
- Shirley Quilters
- The Arts Society - Croydon Area
- The Arts Society - Sanderstead
- Cumbria
- BCS - Cumbria North
- Butterfly Conservation - Cumbria
- Cumberland Bat Group
- Cumberland Geological Society
- Cumbria Archives
- Cumbria Beekeepers Association
- Cumbria Bird Club
- Cumbria Botany
- Cumbria Family History Society
- Cumbria Industrial History Society
- Cumbria Local History Federation
- Cumbria Local Nature Partnership
- Cumbria Past
- Cumbria Wildlife Trust
- Cumbrian Railways Association
- Eden Valley Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers
- Engaging Theology in Cumbria
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cumbria
- Hardy Plant Society - Cumbria
- IET - Lancashire and Cumbria
- IOP - Lancashire and Cumbria
- IWA - Lancashire & Cumbria
- Lake District, Friends of the
- Lancs & Lakes Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers
- Local History Societies - Cumbria
- Materials Society of Cumbria
- Morecambe Bay Local Nature Partnership
- Morecambe Bay Partnership
- Photographic Societies - Cumbria
- RCTS - Furness, Lakes & Lune
- Richard III Society - Penrith and North Lakes
- South Cumbria Bat Group
- Wainwright Society, The
- Western Front Association - Cumbria
- Westmorland Dowsers
- Westmorland Geological Society
- Darlington
- Cleveland and Darlington Astronomical Society
- Darlington & Teesdale Naturalists' Field Club
- Darlington and District Orchid Society
- Darlington Beekeepers Association
- Darlington Chrysanthemum & Dahlia Society
- Darlington Historical Society
- Darlington Philatelic Society
- Darlington Stitch and Create
- Hopetown Darlington
- Middleton St George Local History Group
- Teesdale Record Society
- Witham, The
- Dartford
- Dartmouth
- Daventry
- Dawlish
- Deal
- Denbighshire
- Derby
- Allestree Flower Group
- Allestree Gardening Club
- Alpine Garden Society - Derby
- BCS - Nottingham and Derby
- Breaston & District Flower Circle
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Derby
- Castle Donington & District Flower Club
- Cercle français de Derby
- Chaddesden Historical Group
- Chellaston History Group
- Derby and District Astronomical Society
- Derby and District Bonsai Association
- Derby and Sandiacre Canal Society
- Derby Book Festival
- Derby City Photographic Society
- Derby LIVE
- Derby Museums
- Derby Natural History Society
- Derby Sketching Club
- Kedleston Hall
- Long Eaton & District Horticultural Society
- Long Eaton Natural History Society
- Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby
- National Trust Support - Derby and District
- Peak Railway Association - Derby
- Rolls Royce Derby Photographic
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Derby
- Sawley & District Historical Society
- The Arts Society - Derby
- University of Derby
- Derbyshire
- Cottage Garden Society - Derbyshire, North
- Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Derbyshire Archaeological Society
- Derbyshire Bat Group
- Derbyshire Beekeepers
- Derbyshire Family History Society
- Derbyshire Mammal Group
- Derbyshire Museums and Heritage Forum
- Derbyshire Ornithological Society
- Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Derbyshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Derbyshire
- IWA - Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire
- Local History Societies - Derbyshire
- Lowland Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Local Nature Partnership
- Mid Derbyshire Badger Group
- National Trust Support - Peak District
- Nature Peak District
- North East Derbyshire Industrial Archaeology Society
- Peak Railway Association
- Photographic Societies - Derbyshire
- SPAB - Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire
- Dereham
- Derry and Strabane
- Devizes
- Devon
- Alpine Garden Society - Devon, Exeter
- Butterfly Conservation - Devon
- Cottage Garden Society - Devon
- Dartmoor Society, The
- Devon Archaeological Society
- Devon Bat Group
- Devon Beekeepers' Association
- Devon Dowsers
- Devon Faith and Belief Forum
- Devon Family History Society
- Devon Gardens Trust
- Devon History Society
- Devon Libraries
- Devon Local Nature Partnership
- Devon Mammal Group
- Devon Museums
- Devon Orchid Society
- Devon Reptile and Amphibian Group
- Devon Rural Archive, The
- Devon Wildlife Trust
- Devonshire Association
- Devonshire Association - Botany
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Devon
- Global Centre Devon, The
- Hardy Plant Society - Devon
- IET - Devon & Cornwall
- Local History Societies - Devon
- North Devon Arts
- Photographic Societies - Devon
- Plant Heritage - Devon
- Richard III Society - Devon & Cornwall
- Royal Society of Biology - Devon and Cornwall
- SPAB - Devon
- Tamar Dowsers
- Western Front Association - Devon and Cornwall
- Didcot
- Diss
- Doncaster
- Askern Camera Club
- Doncaster and District Family History Society
- Doncaster Astronomical Society
- Doncaster Beekeepers Association
- Doncaster Camera Club
- Doncaster Civic Trust
- Doncaster Naturalists' Society
- Fishlake History Society
- National Trust Support - Doncaster
- Pennine Railway Society
- Tickhill and District Local History Society
- Dorchester
- Cerne Abbas Historical Society
- Dorchester & District Gardening Club
- Dorchester and Weymouth BeeKeepers Association
- Dorchester Association for Research into Local History & Archaeology
- Dorchester Camera Club
- Dorchester Floral Group
- Dorchester Literary Festival
- Owermoigne Flower Club
- Thomas Hardye School Community Lectures
- Dorking
- Dorset
- Alpine Garden Society - Dorset
- BCS - Dorset
- Bournemouth & Dorset South Beekeepers’ Association
- Butterfly Conservation - Dorset
- Cottage Garden Society - Dorset
- Dorset Amphibian and Reptile Network
- Dorset Archives Trust
- Dorset Art Weeks
- Dorset Beekeepers Association
- Dorset Clock Society, The
- Dorset Family History Society
- Dorset Federation of Horticultural Societies
- Dorset Gardens Trust
- Dorset Geologists' Association Group
- Dorset Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers
- Dorset Humanists
- Dorset Local Nature Partnership
- Dorset Mammal Group
- Dorset Museum
- Dorset Wildlife Trust
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Dorset
- Hardy Plant Society - Dorset
- IET - Dorset & South Wiltshire
- Jurassic Coast Trust
- Local History Societies - Dorset
- Photographic Societies - Dorset
- Plant Heritage - Dorset
- Royal Society of Biology - Wessex
- Somerset & Dorset Family History Society
- Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust
- SPAB - Dorset
- The Arts Society - Dorset County
- Western Front Association - Wessex
- World Ship Society - Dorset
- Dover
- Drama and Theatre
- Driffield
- Dronfield
- Dudley
- Black Country Geological Society, The
- Black Country Living Museum
- Dudley Camera Club
- Quinton Local History Society
- Sedgley Local History Society
- Tipton Camera Club
- Tipton Civic Society
- Wall Heath Flower Club
- Wall Heath Photography Group
- Wombourne & District Philatelic Society
- Wombourne Scientific & Historical Society
- Dulwich
- Dumfries and Galloway
- Abbey Camera Club
- AHSS - Dumfries & Galloway
- Barony Garden Club
- Big Lit
- Caerlaverock Wetland Centre
- Dumfries & District Flower Club
- Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival
- Dumfries & Galloway Guild of Spinners, Weavers & Dyers
- Dumfries and Galloway Bat Group
- Dumfries and Galloway Family History Society
- Dumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society
- Dumfries Astronomy Society
- Dumfries Camera Club
- Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society
- Galloway Forest Astronomical Society
- IET - Scotland South West
- Kirkcudbright Historical Society
- Logan Botanic Garden
- Moffat & District Wildlife Club
- Moffat Astronomy Club
- National Trust for Scotland Friends' Groups - Broughton House and Garden
- Plant Heritage - Dumfries & Galloway
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Dumfries
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - South West Scotland
- SOC - Dumfries
- SOC - Stewartry
- SOC - West Galloway
- South of Scotland Beekeepers Association
- Stewartry Camera Club
- Textiles & Embroidery Dumfries
- The Arts Society - Dumfries & Galloway
- Whithorn Trust, The
- Wigtown Book Festival
- Wigtownshire Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers
- Dundee
- Abertay Historical Society
- Abertay University
- AHSS - Tayside & East Fife
- Angus & Dundee Bird Club
- Botanical Society of Scotland - Dundee/Tayside
- Broughty Ferry Creatives
- Christians in Science - Dundee
- Dundee & District Philatelic Society
- Dundee Astronomical Society
- Dundee Botanic Garden
- Dundee City Archives, Friends of
- Dundee Civic Trust
- Dundee Contemporary Arts
- Dundee Festival of the Future
- Dundee Floral Art Club
- Dundee Photographic Society
- Dundee Science Centre
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Dundee
- RSPB - Dundee
- School of Life Sciences [Dundee]
- Skeptics in the Pub - Dundee
- SOC - Tayside
- Tayside Biodiversity Partnership
- Theosophical Society in Scotland - Dundee
- University of Dundee
- V&A Dundee
- Western Front Association - Scotland (Tayside)
- Dunstable
- Durham (City)
- Dunelm Flower Club
- Durham Astronomical Society
- Durham Book Festival
- Durham City Philatelic Society
- Durham County Local History Society
- Durham Guild of Spinners, Weavers & Dyers
- Durham Organic Gardeners' Association
- Durham Photographic Society
- Durham University
- Durham University Botanic Garden
- Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society - Tyne-Tees
- Institute of Advanced Study [Durham]
- NDFHS - Durham Belmont
- Northern Budgerigar Society
- Postal History and Aerophilatelic Group
- RSPB - Durham
- Take a Stitch 2 Durham
- Theosophical Society in England - Durham
- Western Front Association - Durham
- Wheatley Hill History Club
- Dursley
- Berkeley Castle
- Berkeley Gardening Club
- Cottage Garden Society - Severnside
- Dr Jenner's House, Museum and Garden
- Dursley & Cam Society
- Dursley & District Flower Society
- Slimbridge Gardening Club
- Slimbridge Local History Society
- Slimbridge Wetland Centre
- Tyndale Photography Club
- Wotton Gardening Club
- Wotton-under-Edge Historical Society
- Ealing
- East Ayrshire
- East Dunbartonshire
- Baldernock Gardening Club
- Bearsden Flower Club
- Cairns Church Milngavie
- Kirkintilloch & District Society of Antiquaries
- Kirkintilloch Camera Club
- Kirkintilloch Horticultural Society
- Milngavie & Bearsden Historical Society
- Milngavie and Bearsden Camera Club
- The Arts Society - Bearsden & Milngavie
- West of Scotland Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- East Grinstead
- East Lothian
- East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists' Society
- East Lothian Beekeepers Association
- East Lothian Heritage
- Gullane and Dirleton History Society
- Haddington Camera Club
- Lothian Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Lothians Family History Society
- Musselburgh Art Club
- Musselburgh Camera Club
- Musselburgh Floral Art Club
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - East Lothian
- North Berwick Gardening Club
- North Berwick Photographic Society
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - Edinburgh & The Lothians
- SOC - Lothian
- East Midlands
- BCSS - 1 East Midlands
- Betjeman Society - The Shires
- British Air Mail Society - Midland
- British Society of Criminology - Midlands
- Buglife East and Midlands
- Butterfly Conservation - East Midlands
- CBA East Midlands
- East Midlands Geological Society
- East Midlands Materials Society
- East Midlands Orchid Society
- East Midlands Region Embroiderers' Guild
- East Midlands Salon
- Flower Clubs - 1 East Midlands
- Great Central Railway Society
- ICE - East Midlands
- IET - East Midlands
- IMA - East Midlands
- IMechE - East Midlands
- IOP - East Midlands
- Local Art Societies - 1 East Midlands
- Midland (GB) Postal History Society
- National Vegetable Society - Midlands
- Omnibus Society - Midlands
- Pagan Federation - Midlands
- Railfuture - East Midlands
- RCHS - East Midlands
- RCTS - East Midlands
- RIBA - East Midlands
- RMetS - East Midlands
- Royal Society of Biology - East Midlands
- Royal Society of Chemistry - Midlands
- RSPB - 1 East Midlands
- The Arts Society - 1 East Midlands
- U3A - East Midlands
- Western Front Association - Midlands (East)
- East of England
- Antiquarian Horological Society - East Anglian
- BCSS - 2 East of England
- British Society of Criminology - South (inc London)
- Buglife East and Midlands
- CBA East
- East of England Faiths Agency
- Flower Clubs - 2 East of England
- ICE - East of England
- IMechE - Eastern
- IOP - East Anglia
- IWA - Great Ouse
- Local Art Societies - 2 East of England
- Omnibus Society - Eastern and Southern
- Orchid Society of East Anglia
- Pagan Federation - East Anglia
- Pagan Federation - South Midlands
- Railfuture - East Anglia
- RIBA - East
- RMetS - East Anglia
- Round Tower Churches Society
- Royal Society of Biology - East Anglia
- Royal Society of Chemistry - East of England
- RSPB - 2 East of England
- SPAB - Fenland and Wash
- The Arts Society - 2 East of England
- U3A - East of England
- East Renfrewshire
- East Riding of Yorkshire
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Hull and East Riding
- East Yorkshire Bat Group
- East Yorkshire Embroidery Society
- East Yorkshire Family History Society
- East Yorkshire Local History Society
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - East Riding of Yorkshire
- Georgian Society for East Yorkshire
- Hardy Plant Society - East Yorkshire
- Historical Association - Hull & East Riding
- Hull and East Riding Astronomical Society
- Hull and East Riding Interfaith
- Hull and East Yorkshire Local Nature Partnership
- IET - Humber
- IWA - East Yorkshire
- Local History Societies - East Riding of Yorkshire
- Photographic Societies - East Riding of Yorkshire
- RSPB - East Yorkshire
- East Sussex
- Amateur Entomologists' Society - Sussex
- Association of Sussex Philatelic Societies
- Badger Trust Sussex
- BCS - Sussex
- British Air Mail Society - South Coast
- Butterfly Conservation - Sussex
- Cottage Garden Society - Sussex East
- East Sussex Astronomical Society
- East Sussex Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - East Sussex
- Historical Model Railway Society - Sussex
- IET - Sussex
- IWA - Kent & East Sussex
- Local History Societies - East Sussex
- Photographic Societies - East Sussex
- Royal Society of Biology - Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- South Downs, Friends of the
- Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group
- Sussex Archaeological Society
- Sussex Bat Group
- Sussex Beekeepers' Association
- Sussex Family History Group
- Sussex Gardens Trust
- Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society
- Sussex Local Nature Partnership
- Sussex Military History Society
- Sussex Mineral & Lapidary Society
- Sussex Ornithological Society
- Sussex Wildlife Trust
- The Arts Society - East Sussex
- Wealden Buildings Study Group
- Western Front Association - Sussex
- Eastbourne
- Dickens Fellowship - Eastbourne
- Eastbourne Astronomical Society
- Eastbourne Beekeepers' Association
- Eastbourne Local History Society
- Eastbourne Photographic Society
- Family History Society for Eastbourne & District
- Much Ado Books
- Observatory Science Centre, The
- Old Town Quilters
- Pevensey and Westham Flower Club
- RSPB - Eastbourne & District
- Seven Sisters Astronomical Society
- Seven Sisters Camera Club
- Skeptics in the Pub - Eastbourne
- The Arts Society - Eastbourne
- Towner Eastbourne
- Willingdon Flower Club
- Eastleigh
- Economics, Finance and Business
- Centre for Brexit Studies [Birmingham City]
- Institute of Economic Affairs
- Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance
- London Business School
- Money Macro & Finance Society
- National Institute of Economic and Social Research
- New Economics Foundation
- Royal Economic Society
- Saïd Business School
- The Library of Mistakes
- University of Exeter Business School
- Edinburgh
- Aberdeen & NE Scotland Family History Society - Edinburgh
- Astronomical Society of Edinburgh
- BCS - Edinburgh
- Botanical Society of Scotland - Edinburgh (RBGE)
- Broughton History Society
- Café scientifique français d’Écosse
- Centre of African Studies [Edinburgh]
- Christians in Science - Edinburgh
- Colinton Garden Club
- Colinton Local History Society
- Cramond Association, The
- Cymera
- Edinburgh & Midlothian Beekeepers' Association
- Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society
- Edinburgh Art Festival
- Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
- Edinburgh Bookshop, The
- Edinburgh City of Literature
- Edinburgh Climate Change Institute
- Edinburgh Decorative & Fine Arts Society
- Edinburgh Floral Art Club
- Edinburgh Geological Society
- Edinburgh Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Edinburgh International Science Festival
- Edinburgh Jewish Literary Society
- Edinburgh Natural History Society
- Edinburgh Orchid Society
- Edinburgh Photographic Society
- Edinburgh Printmakers
- Edinburgh Secular Society
- Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club
- Edinburgh Skeptics
- Edinburgh Transport Group, The
- Edinburgh TV Festival
- Edinburgh Zoo
- Holyrood Art Club
- Humanist Society Scotland - Edinburgh
- IET - South East Scotland
- Institut français d’Écosse
- Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities [Edinburgh]
- International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh
- Just Festival
- Leith Local History Society
- Lothian Philatelic Group
- Morningside and Newington Floral Art Club
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - Edinburgh
- Old Edinburgh Club
- Palace of Holyroodhouse
- Pentland Flower Club
- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
- Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- Royal Observatory Edinburgh
- Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Edinburgh
- RSPB - Edinburgh Area
- School of Informatics [Edinburgh]
- Scottish Arts Club
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - Edinburgh & The Lothians
- Stereoscopic Society - Edinburgh
- Surgeons' Hall Museums
- The King's Gallery, Palace of Holyroodhouse
- The Library of Mistakes
- Theosophical Society in Scotland - Edinburgh
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Glasgow
- World Ship Society - Firth of Forth
- Education For All
- Association for Learning Development in Higher Education
- Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
- Department for Continuing Education [Oxford]
- Education and Employers Taskforce
- EXPLORE Lifelong Learning in Newcastle
- Institute of Continuing Education [Cambridge]
- IOE - Faculty of Education and Society [UCL]
- National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
- Prometheus Trust, The
- Raymond Williams Foundation
- Society for Research into Higher Education
- The University of The Third Age (U3A)
- WEA - Adult Learning Within Reach
- Ellesmere Port
- Alpine Garden Society - Wirral & West Cheshire
- Backford, Mollington & District Local History Society
- Burton & Neston History Society
- Cottage Garden Society - Wirral
- Ellesmere Port Local & Family History Society
- Ellesmere Port Photographic Society
- Ness Botanic Gardens
- Neston Civic Society
- Neston Flower Society
- North Cheshire Beekeepers
- Ely
- Enfield
- Engineering Institutes and Societies
- BCS: The Chartered Institute for IT
- British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
- Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors
- Federation of Model Engineering Societies
- Historical Model Railway Society
- Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
- Institution of Chemical Engineers
- Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
- Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Institution of Structural Engineers
- Local Engineering Societies
- Quekett Microscopical Club, The
- Radio Society of Great Britain
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Royal Aeronautical Society
- Royal Institute of Navigation
- Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)
- Women's Engineering Society
- England (EXPLORE)
- Churches Together in England
- Civic Voice
- English Heritage
- Historic England
- Jewish Historical Society of England
- Local Nature Partnerships: England
- National Federation of Cemetery Friends
- Northern Ceramic Society
- Northern Society of Costume & Textiles
- Theosophical Society in England (and Wales)
- Victoria County History
- Wildlife and Countryside LINK [England]
- Epsom
- Equality, Human Rights and Social Justice
- Amnesty International UK
- Anne Frank Trust UK
- Ascott Martyrs
- Autograph
- Bevan Foundation
- Bristol Radical History Group
- British Institute of Human Rights
- Create (Arts)
- English PEN
- Famine Lecture Series
- Freedom Association, The
- Institute for Strategic Dialogue
- Institute of Development Studies
- Institute of International Visual Arts (iniva)
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Just Festival
- Manifesto Club for Freedom in Everyday Life
- Museum of Homelessness
- Overseas Development Institute
- Photovoice
- Refugee Council
- Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation
- Wilberforce Society, The
- Esher
- Essex
- Butterfly Conservation - Cambridgeshire and Essex
- Cottage Garden Society - Essex
- Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Essex Bat Group
- Essex Beekeepers' Association
- Essex Birdwatching Society
- Essex Book Festival
- Essex Egyptology Group
- Essex Field Club
- Essex Gardens Trust
- Essex Historic Buildings Group
- Essex Numismatic Society
- Essex Orchid Society
- Essex Rock and Mineral Society
- Essex Society for Archaeology and History
- Essex Society for Family History
- Essex Wildlife Trust
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Essex
- Hardy Plant Society - Essex
- Historical Association - Essex
- Historical Model Railway Society - Essex
- IET - Essex
- Local History Societies - Essex
- North East Essex Badger Group
- Photographic Societies - Essex
- Plant Heritage - Essex
- Royal Society of Biology - Beds, Essex and Herts
- SPAB - Essex
- Western Front Association - Essex
- Ethnicity and Nationalism
- Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, The
- European Association for Jewish Studies
- Jewish Museum London
- Leo Baeck Institute London
- Manchester Jewish Museum
- Refugee Studies Centre [Oxford]
- Runnymede Trust
- Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre
- Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies [Leicester]
- Wiener Holocaust Library, The
- Europe
- Aberdeen Scottish Hellenic Society
- Alliance Française de Londres
- Anglo-Danish Society, The
- Anglo-Hellenic League, The
- Austrian Cultural Forum London
- Birmingham Greek Club
- British-German Association
- British-Italian Society, The
- Cheltenham Italian Society
- Czech Centre London
- Dante Alighieri Society - Loughborough
- European Institute [LSE]
- Franco-British Council
- Franco-British Society
- German Historical Institute London
- Goethe-Institut
- Great Britain-Russia Society, The
- Hellenic Centre, The
- Hellenic Observatory
- Institut français d’Écosse
- Institut français du Royaume-Uni
- Institute of Irish Studies [Liverpool]
- Institute of Irish Studies [QUB]
- Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh
- Italian Cultural Institute in London
- Kefi Club - Worcester & Malvern
- Leeds Anglo-German Club
- Liszt Institute London
- Maison Française d’Oxford
- Portsmouth Hispanic Society
- Pushkin House
- Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies [Aberdeen]
- Romanian Cultural Institute in London
- Society for Co-operation in Russian and Soviet Studies
- Society for the Study of French History, The
- Southend Anglo-Italian Circle
- Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies
- Evesham
- Battle of Evesham, The
- Bretforton Garden Club
- Broadway History Society
- Evesham Beekeepers Association
- Evesham Festival of Words
- Gordon Russell Design Museum
- Pershore Civic Society
- Pershore Flower Club
- Pershore Heritage and History Society
- The Arts Society - Evesham & Pershore
- Vale of Evesham Camera Club
- Vale of Evesham Historical Society
- Ewell
- Exeter
- Agile Rabbit
- Alpine Garden Society - Devon, Exeter
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Exeter
- Club on the Exe
- Devon and Exeter Institution
- Devon Family History Society - Exeter
- Devonshire Association - Exeter
- Exeter Astrology Group
- Exeter Beekeepers
- Exeter Camera Club
- Exeter Local History Society
- Heavitree Local History Society
- Historical Association - Exeter
- Mood Disorders Centre [Exeter]
- National Trust Support - Exeter and District
- Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery
- RSPB - Exeter & District
- The Arts Society - Exeter
- The Arts Society - Topsham
- Topsham Allotments and Gardens Society
- Topsham Community Association
- Topsham Flower Club
- University of Exeter
- Exmouth
- A la Ronde
- Budleigh Salterton Anglo French Society
- Budleigh Salterton Art Club
- Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival
- Exmouth Flower Club
- Exmouth Garden Club
- Exmouth Photo Group
- Exmouth Stamp Club
- Exton Garden Club
- Lympstone History Society
- Otterton Garden Club
- Starcross History Society
- The Arts Society - Budleigh Salterton
- Woodbury History Society
- Exploration and Discovery
- Alpine Club
- British Antarctic Survey
- British Cave Research Association
- British Caving Association
- Cairngorm Club, The
- Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps, The
- Kendal Mountain Festival
- Manchester Geographical Society
- Maps and Society Lectures
- Mountaineering Scotland
- North East Mountain Trust
- Royal Geographical Society
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society
- Scott Polar Research Institute [Cambridge]
- Speakers from the Edge
- Stanfords
- Wainwright Society, The
- Wilderness Lectures
- Fakenham
- Falmouth
- Family History Societies
- Aberdeen & NE Scotland Family History Society
- Airedale & Wharfedale Family History Society
- Alde Valley Suffolk Family History Group
- Anglo Scots Family History Society
- Audley and District Family History Society
- Barnsley Family History Society
- Bedfordshire Family History Society
- Berkshire Family History Society
- Biddulph & District Genealogy & Historical Society
- Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry
- Borders Family History Society
- Bradford Family History Society
- Bristol & Avon Family History Society
- Buckinghamshire Family History Society
- Burntwood Family History Group
- Caithness Family History Society
- Calderdale Family History Society
- Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Family History Society
- Cardiganshire Family History Society
- Central Scotland Family History Society
- Chesterfield and District Family History Society
- City of Bath Heraldic Society
- City of York & District Family History Society
- Cleveland Family History Society
- Clwyd Family History Society
- Cornwall Family History Society
- Coventry Family History Society
- Cumbria Family History Society
- Derbyshire Family History Society
- Devon Family History Society
- Diss Family History Group
- Doncaster and District Family History Society
- Dorset Family History Society
- Dumfries and Galloway Family History Society
- Dyfed Family History Society
- East Ayrshire Family History Society
- East of London Family History Society
- East Surrey Family History Society
- East Yorkshire Family History Society
- Essex Society for Family History
- Family History Society for Eastbourne & District
- Family History Society of Buchan
- Family History Society of Cheshire (FHSC)
- Felixstowe Family History Society
- Fenland Family History Society
- Fife Family History Society
- Folkestone & District Family History Society
- Furness Family History Society
- Glamorgan Family History Society
- Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society
- Gloucestershire Family History Society
- Gwent Family History Society
- Gwynedd Family History Society
- Hampshire Genealogical Society
- Heraldry Society of Scotland, The
- Herefordshire Family History Society
- Hertfordshire Family History Society
- Hillingdon Family History Society
- Huddersfield & District Family History Society
- Isle of Man Family History Society
- Isle of Wight Family History Society
- Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
- Kent Family History Society
- Lanarkshire Family History Society
- Lancashire Family History & Heraldry Society (LFHHS)
- Lancaster & District Family History Group
- Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society
- Letchworth & District Family History Group
- Lincolnshire Family History Society
- Liverpool & South West Lancashire Family History Society
- Lochaber and North Argyll Family History Group
- London Group of Yorkshire Family History Societies
- London Westminster & Middlesex Family History Society
- Lothians Family History Society
- Malvern Family History Society
- Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society
- Mid-Norfolk Family History Society
- Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society
- Norfolk Family History Society
- North Ayrshire Family History Society
- North Meols (Southport) Family History Society
- North of Ireland Family History Society
- North West Kent Family History Society
- Northamptonshire Family History Society
- Northumberland & Durham Family History Society
- Nottinghamshire Family History Society
- Nuneaton & North Warwickshire Family History Society
- Orkney Family History Society
- Ormskirk & District Family History Society
- Oxfordshire Family History Society
- Peterborough & District Family History Society
- Pontefract & District Family History Society
- Powys Family History Society
- Quaker Family History Society
- Renfrewshire Family History Society
- Rugby Family History Group
- Ryedale Family History Group
- Scottish Genealogy Society
- Selby & District Family History Group
- Sheffield & District Family History Society
- Shropshire Family History Society
- Somerset & Dorset Family History Society
- Somerset Heraldry Society
- St Helens Townships Family History Society
- Stevenage Family History Society
- Suffolk Family History Society
- Suffolk Heraldry Society
- Sussex Family History Group
- Troon & Ayrshire Family History Society
- Wakefield & District Family History Society
- Waltham Forest Family History Society
- West Lothian Family History Society
- West Middlesex Family History Society
- West Surrey Family History Society
- Weston-super-Mare & District Family History Society
- Wiltshire Family History Society
- Woolwich & District Family History Society
- Fareham
- Catisfield Gardening Club
- Fareham & District Beekeepers' Association
- Fareham and Portchester Camera Club
- Fareham Society, The
- Hampshire Genealogical Society - Fareham
- Locksheath & Sarisbury Camera Club
- Palmerston Forts Society
- Portchester Civic Society
- South Hants Vehicle Preservation Society
- The Arts Society - Solent
- Warsash Art Group
- Warsash Horticultural Society
- Farnborough
- Aldershot Civic Society
- Aldershot Floral Design Club
- Aldershot, Farnham & Fleet Camera Club
- Ash Flower Club
- Cody Astronomical Society
- Farnborough Air Sciences Trust
- Farnborough Camera Club
- Farnborough Stamp and Postcard Club
- Fleet & Crookham Local History Group
- Hampshire Genealogical Society - Fleet & Farnborough
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Farnborough
- RSPB - North East Hants
- Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club
- Yateley & District Gardening Society
- Yateley Camera Club
- Yateley Society, The
- Farnham
- Aldershot, Farnham & Fleet Camera Club
- Castle Quilters
- Farnham & District Museum Society
- Farnham Astronomical Society
- Farnham Beekeepers
- Farnham Geological Society
- Farnham Humanists
- Farnham Society, The
- The Arts Society - Farnham
- The Arts Society - Farnham Evening
- West Surrey Family History Society - Farnham
- William Cobbett Society
- Faversham
- Felixstowe
- Fermanagh and Omagh
- Fife
- Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum
- Beekeeping Fife
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Fife
- Cupar Camera Club
- Cupar Floral Art Club
- Cupar Museum and Heritage Centre
- Dalgety Bay Horticultural Society
- Dunfermline Art Club
- Dunfermline Camera Club
- Dunfermline Floral Art Club
- Dunfermline Historical Society
- Fife Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Fife Family History Society
- Hillend Camera Club
- Humanist Society Scotland - Fife
- Kirkcaldy Photographic Society
- Kirkcaldy Stamp and Postcard Club
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Groups - West Fife
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Dunfermline
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Kirkcaldy
- SOC - Fife
- The Arts Society - Fife
- The Falkland Society
- The Gellet Society
- Theosophical Society in Scotland - Fife
- Fleet
- Flintshire
- Flitwick
- Flowers and Plants
- Alpine Garden Society
- Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland
- Botanical Society of Scotland
- British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS)
- British Clematis Society
- British Fuchsia Society, The
- British Iris Society
- British Orchid Council
- Carnivorous Plant Society, The
- Federation of British Bonsai Societies
- Hardy Plant Society
- Japanese Garden Society
- National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
- National Auricula & Primula Society
- National Dahlia Society
- Orchid Society of Great Britain, The
- Orchid Study Group
- Plant Heritage
- Plantlife
- Rose Society of Wales
- Scottish Rock Garden Club
- Wild Flower Society, The
- Folkestone
- Elham Gardening Society
- Folkestone & District Family History Society
- Folkestone & District Local History Society
- Folkestone Book Festival
- Folkestone Camera Club
- Folkestone Flower Arrangers Club
- Hythe Civic Society
- Hythe Flower Club [Folkestone]
- Romney Marsh Flower Arrangers
- Romney Marsh Photographic Club
- South East Kent Astronomical Society
- Frome
- Gainsborough
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Avon
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Bedfordshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Berkshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Birmingham and Around
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Buckinghamshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cambridgeshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Central Scotland
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cheshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cornwall
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - County Durham
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Cumbria
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Derbyshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Devon
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Dorset
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - East Riding of Yorkshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - East Sussex
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Essex
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Gloucestershire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Greater Manchester
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Hampshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Herefordshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Hertfordshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Highlands and Islands
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Kent
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Lancashire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Leicestershire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Lincolnshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - London (Central)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - London (East)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - London (North)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - London (South)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - London (West)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Merseyside
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Mid and West Wales
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Norfolk
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - North East Scotland
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - North Wales
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Northamptonshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Northumberland
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Oxfordshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Shropshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Somerset
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Southern Scotland
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Suffolk
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Surrey
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Warwickshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - West Sussex
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Wiltshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Worcestershire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Yorkshire (North)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Yorkshire (South)
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Yorkshire (West)
- Gardening and Horticultural Society Federations
- Gardens Trusts
- Avon Gardens Trust
- Bedfordshire Gardens Trust
- Berkshire Gardens Trust
- Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust
- Cambridgeshire Gardens Trust
- Cheshire Gardens Trust
- Devon Gardens Trust
- Dorset Gardens Trust
- Essex Gardens Trust
- Garden Museum
- Gloucestershire Gardens & Landscape Trust
- Hampshire Gardens Trust
- Hereford and Worcester Gardens Trust
- Hertfordshire Gardens Trust
- Isle of Wight Gardens Trust
- Kent Gardens Trust
- Lancashire Gardens Trust
- Leicestershire and Rutland Gardens Trust
- Lincolnshire Gardens Trust
- London Historic Parks & Gardens Trust
- Norfolk Gardens Trust
- Northamptonshire Gardens Trust
- Northumbria Gardens Trust
- Oxfordshire Gardens Trust
- Shropshire Parks & Gardens Trust
- Somerset Gardens Trust
- Surrey Gardens Trust
- Sussex Gardens Trust
- The Gardens Trust
- Welsh Historic Gardens Trust (WHGT)
- Yorkshire Gardens Trust
- Gateshead
- Gender and Sexuality
- Ada Scotland Festival
- Centre for Gender Studies [Cambridge]
- Centre for Gender Studies [Sussex]
- Centre for Gender Studies in Wales [South Wales]
- Department of Gender Studies [LSE]
- Feminist Library
- Gender Institute [Royal Holloway]
- Glasgow Women's Library
- Institute of Gender Studies [Chester]
- Vagina Museum
- Women's Archive Wales
- Women's History Network
- Gillingham (Dorset)
- Gillingham (Kent)
- Glasgow
- Aberdeen & NE Scotland Family History Society - Glasgow
- Astronomical Society of Glasgow, The
- Aye Write: Glasgow's Book Festival
- Botanical Society of Scotland - Glasgow
- Butterfly Conservation - Glasgow and SW Scotland
- Café Scientifique - Glasgow
- Café scientifique français d’Écosse
- Caledonian Philatelic Society
- Caledonian Railway Association
- Centre for Contemporary Arts
- Centre for Regulation of the Creative Economy [Glasgow]
- Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society
- Clyde River Steamer Club
- Council of Christians and Jews - West of Scotland
- Geological Society of Glasgow
- Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society
- Glasgow and District Beekeepers' Association
- Glasgow Gathering of Quilters
- Glasgow Libraries
- Glasgow Natural History Society
- Glasgow Orchid Society
- Glasgow Science Festival
- Glasgow Scribes
- Glasgow Sculpture Studios
- Glasgow Skeptics
- Glasgow Women's Library
- GlasgowLife - Museums
- Goethe-Institut - Glasgow
- Historical Association - Glasgow & West of Scotland
- House for an Art Lover
- Humanist Society Scotland - Glasgow and the West
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - Glasgow
- New Glasgow Society
- Queen's Park Camera Club
- Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, The
- Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, The
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Glasgow
- RSPB - Glasgow
- Scottish Society for Psychical Research, The
- Stevenson Trust for Citizenship
- Street Level Photoworks
- Theosophical Society in Scotland - Glasgow
- Glastonbury
- Glastonbury Antiquarian Society
- Glastonbury Inner Light Community
- Mid Somerset Camera Club
- Somerset & Dorset Family History Society - Mid Somerset
- Somerset Beekeepers' Association - Central
- Somerset Beekeepers' Association - Somerton
- Somerton Gardeners Club
- Steart Marshes
- The Arts Society - Mendip
- The Charltons Horticultural Society
- Gloucester
- Abbeydale Gardening Club
- BCS - Cheltenham and Gloucester
- Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Gloucester
- Cheltenham & Gloucester Branch of the Gloucestershire Beekeepers
- Cotswold Monochrome
- Cranham Local History Society
- Fly Dressers' Guild - Cheltenham & Gloucester
- Gloucester Camera Club
- Gloucester Cathedral
- Gloucester History Festival
- Gloucester Local History Society
- Gloucester Waterways Museum, Friends of
- Highnam Heritage
- Hucclecote Horticultural Society
- Maisemore Local History Society
- Museum of Gloucester
- Richard III Society - Gloucester & Bristol
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Gloucester & Cheltenham
- RSPB - Gloucestershire
- The Arts Society - West Gloucestershire
- Three Choirs Festival
- Western Front Association - Cheltenham & Gloucester
- World Ship Society - Gloucester
- Gloucestershire
- Badger Trust Gloucestershire
- Butterfly Conservation - Gloucestershire
- Ffestiniog Railway Society - Gloucestershire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire Archaeology
- Gloucestershire Archives
- Gloucestershire Bat Group
- Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association
- Gloucestershire Family History Society
- Gloucestershire Federation of Gardening Societies
- Gloucestershire Gardens & Landscape Trust
- Gloucestershire Geology Trust
- Gloucestershire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Gloucestershire Humanists
- Gloucestershire Lettering Arts
- Gloucestershire Local History Association
- Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership
- Gloucestershire Naturalists' Society
- Gloucestershire Philatelic Society
- Gloucestershire Philosophical Society
- Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology
- Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway
- Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
- Hardy Plant Society - Western Counties
- Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal Trust
- Historical Association - Gloucestershire
- IET - Gloucestershire
- IWA - Gloucestershire & Herefordshire
- Local History Societies - Gloucestershire
- Photographic Societies - Gloucestershire
- Plant Heritage - Gloucestershire
- Slimbridge Dowsing Group
- South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group
- SPAB - Gloucestershire
- Stitch Cotswold
- Godalming
- Gosport
- Grantham
- Gravesend
- Chalk Village Gardeners Club
- Gravesend Art Group
- Gravesend Beekeepers
- Gravesend Camera Club
- Gravesend Flower Arrangers
- Gravesend Historical Society
- Gravesend Model Marine and Engineering Society
- Gravesend Railway Enthusiasts Society
- Hartley & District Flower Club
- Higham Village History Group
- Istead Rise Gardeners Club
- Meopham Gardeners
- RSPB - Gravesend
- Southfleet Flower Arrangers
- The Arts Society - Gravesend
- World Ship Society - North West Kent
- Great Yarmouth
- Greater Manchester
- Faith Network for Manchester
- Greater Manchester Humanists
- Greater Manchester RIGS Group
- Greater Manchester Skeptics Society
- IOP - Manchester and District
- Local History Societies - Greater Manchester
- Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society
- Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society
- Manchester Military History Society
- Manchester Region Industrial Archaeology Society
- Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester
- Photographic Societies - Greater Manchester
- South Lancashire Bat Group
- Greenwich
- Blackheath Flower Arrangement Society
- Blackheath Halls
- Blackheath Scientific Society
- Eltham Society, The
- Fan Museum, The
- Flamsteed Astronomical Society
- Greenwich Historical Society
- Greenwich Park, Friends of
- Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust
- Royal Museums Greenwich
- The Arts Society - Blackheath
- The Arts Society - Greenwich
- Woolwich & District Family History Society
- Woolwich Photographic Society
- Grimsby
- Guildford
- Albury History Society
- Clandon Park
- Guildford & Woking Humanists
- Guildford and District Philatelic Society
- Guildford Art Society
- Guildford Astronomical Society
- Guildford Beekeepers
- Guildford Book Festival
- Guildford Classical Association, The
- Guildford Flower Club
- Guildford Institute, The
- Guildford Model Engineering Society
- Guildford Photographic Society
- Guildford Quilters
- Guildford Society, The
- Historical Association - West Surrey
- IWA - Guildford & Reading
- National Trust Support - West Surrey
- Onslow Village Garden Club
- RSPB - Guildford & District
- Skeptics in the Pub - Guildford
- The Arts Society - Guildford
- The Arts Society - Guildford Wey Valley
- The Arts Society - Horsley Lovelace
- The Arts Society - Surrey Hills
- Watts Gallery
- Wonersh History Society
- Worplesdon Garden Club
- Gwynedd
- Amateur Entomologists' Society - Bangor
- Bangor University
- Blaenau Camera Club
- Dwyfor Camera Club
- Ffestiniog Railway Society
- Gwynedd Archaeological Trust
- Gwynedd Bat Group
- Gwynedd Family History Society
- Gwynedd Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers
- Lleyn & Eifionydd Beekeepers’ Association
- Llŷn Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Local Nature Partnership - Eryri National Park
- Local Nature Partnership - Gwynedd
- Merioneth Beekeepers' Association
- Merioneth Historical and Record Society
- National Trust Support - Eryri
- National Trust Support - Merioneth
- Snowdonia Society
- Theosophical Society in Wales - Bangor
- Treborth Botanic Garden
- Welsh Highland Railway Society
- Welsh Highland Railway Society - North Wales
- WHGT - Gwynedd
- Hackney
- Hailsham
- Halesworth
- DASH Astro
- Dickens Fellowship - Southwold
- Framlingham & District Local History & Preservation Society
- Framlingham Flower Club
- Fressingfield Local History and Archive Group
- Halesworth & District Model Engineering Society
- Halesworth & District Museum
- Halesworth Camera Club
- Latitude Festival
- Southwold Museum
- The Arts Society - Southwold
- Walberswick Local History Group
- Halifax
- Hammersmith and Fulham
- Hampshire
- Alpine Garden Society - Hampshire
- BCS - Hampshire
- British Horological Institute - Wessex
- Butterfly Conservation - Hampshire and Isle of Wight
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Hampshire
- Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
- Hampshire And Isle of Wight Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Nature Partnership
- Hampshire Astronomical Group
- Hampshire Bat Group
- Hampshire Beekeepers' Association
- Hampshire Calligraphers
- Hampshire Cultural Trust
- Hampshire Federation of Horticultural Societies
- Hampshire Gardens Trust
- Hampshire Genealogical Society
- Hampshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Hampshire History Trust
- Hampshire Industrial Archaeology Society
- Hampshire Libraries
- Hampshire Philatelic Federation
- Hampshire Postal History Society
- Hampshire Skeptics Society, The
- Hants Plants
- Hardy Plant Society - Hampshire
- IET - Solent
- Local History Societies - Hampshire
- Mid-Hants Railway Preservation Society
- New Forest & Hampshire Wartime Association
- Photographic Societies - Hampshire
- Plant Heritage - Hampshire & Isle of Wight
- Royal Society of Biology - Wessex
- Wessex Orchid Society
- Western Front Association - Hampshire & Isle of Wight
- Hampstead
- Haringey
- Harlow
- Harpenden
- Harrogate
- East Keswick Flower Club
- Harrogate & District Naturalists' Society
- Harrogate and Nidderdale Art Club
- Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers Association
- Harrogate Decorative & Fine Arts Society
- Harrogate Orchid Society
- Harrogate Philatelic Society
- Harrogate Photographic Society
- Knaresborough Camera Club
- Knaresborough Flower Club
- National Trust Support - Harrogate and the Dales
- Raworths Harrogate Literature Festival
- RHS Garden - Harlow Carr
- RSPB - Harrogate District
- The Arts Society - Nidd Valley
- Walton Group of Artists
- Wetherby Festival
- Wetherby Flower Club
- Harrow
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Harrow
- Harrow and Hillingdon Geological Society
- Harrow and Wembley Society of Model Engineers
- Harrow Beekeepers
- Harrow Camera Club
- Harrow Humanists
- Hatch End Floral Arrangement Group
- Headstone Manor & Museum
- Pinner Flower Lovers' Society
- Pinner Local History Society
- Pinner Philatelic Society
- RSPB - Pinner & District
- The Arts Society - Harrow
- Hartlepool
- Haslemere
- Hastings
- Battle and District Historical Society
- Battle Photographic Society
- Bexhill Museum
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Rother Valley
- Council of Christians and Jews - Hastings
- Hastings & Rother Interfaith Forum
- Hastings 1066 Spinners
- Hastings and Rother Beekeepers' Association
- National Trust Support - Hastings and St Leonards
- National Trust Support - Rye and District
- Rye and District Camera Club
- Rye Arts Festival
- Sedlescombe and District Garden Society
- The Arts Society - Rother Valley
- Hatfield
- Havant
- Bourne Quilters
- Denmead
- Emsworth Horticultural Society
- Emsworth Museum
- Garden Show at Stansted Park
- Havant Camera Club
- Hayling Island Bookshop, The
- Hayling Island Camera Club
- Hayling Island Horticultural Society
- Hayling Island Stamp Club
- Purbrook Horticultural Society
- Spring Arts and Heritage Centre
- The Arts Society - Portsdown
- Haverhill
- Havering
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Havering
- East of London Family History Society - Havering
- Havering Astronomical Society
- Havering Numismatic Society
- Hornchurch Photographic Society
- National Trust Support - Havering
- Romford Beekeepers
- Romford Camera Club
- Romford Embroiderers
- Romford Floral Art Society
- Romford Model Engineering Club
- The Arts Society - Havering
- Upminster Camera Club
- Haywards Heath
- Hebden Bridge
- Helston
- Hemel Hempstead
- Henley-on-Thames
- Hereford
- Bush Bank Flower Club
- Cercle français de Hereford
- Dorstone History Society
- Fly Dressers' Guild - Hereford
- Hereford and Mid Wales Philatelic Society
- Hereford Cathedral
- Hereford Civic Society
- Hereford SA Photography Club
- Herefordshire Flower Guild
- Herefordshire Photographic Society
- IET - Hereford & Worcester
- Longtown & District Historical Society
- The Arts Society - Hereford
- Three Choirs Festival
- Traherne Association
- Waterworks Museum Hereford
- Wellington Gardening Club
- Woolhope Club, The
- Worcester Locomotive Society
- Herefordshire
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Herefordshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Herefordshire and Mid Wales
- Hereford and Worcester Gardens Trust
- Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal Trust
- Herefordshire & Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust
- Herefordshire Amphibian and Reptile Team
- Herefordshire Astronomical Society
- Herefordshire Beekeepers Association
- Herefordshire Botanical Society
- Herefordshire Family History Society
- Herefordshire Mammal Group
- Herefordshire Ornithological Club
- Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
- IWA - Gloucestershire & Herefordshire
- Local History Societies - Herefordshire
- Marches Nature Partnership
- Photographic Societies - Herefordshire
- Plant Heritage - Herefordshire
- SPAB - Wales & Marches
- Western Front Association - Worcester & Herefordshire
- Hertford
- Hertfordshire
- BCS - Hertfordshire
- Butterfly Conservation - Hertfordshire & Middlesex
- Combined Hertfordshire Archaeological Societies (CHAS)
- Dacorum Heritage Trust
- East Herts Geology Club
- Gardening and Horticultural Societies - Hertfordshire
- Hardy Plant Society - Hertfordshire
- Hertfordshire & Middlesex Bat Group
- Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Hertfordshire Association for Local History
- Hertfordshire Family History Society
- Hertfordshire Gardens Trust
- Hertfordshire Geological Society
- Hertfordshire Natural History Society
- Herts & Middlesex Badger Group
- Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
- Herts Flora Group
- Hertsmere Forum of Faiths
- Historical Association - Hertfordshire
- IET - Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire
- IWA - Lee & Stort
- Local History Societies - Hertfordshire
- Photographic Societies - Hertfordshire
- Royal Society of Biology - Beds, Essex and Herts
- Heswall
- Hexham
- High Wycombe
- Alpine Garden Society - Chiltern
- Booker Flower Club
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - High Wycombe
- Cercle français de High Wycombe
- Four Ends Flower Club
- High Wycombe & District Beekeepers' Association
- High Wycombe Flower Arrangement Society
- High Wycombe Model Engineering Club
- High Wycombe Philatelic Society
- High Wycombe Society, The
- National Trust Support - Wycombe
- Skeptics in the Pub - High Wycombe
- The Arts Society - High Wycombe
- The Arts Society - West Wycombe
- Wycombe Astronomical Society
- Wycombe Photographic Society
- Wycombe Wildlife Group
- Highland
- AHSS - Highland
- Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands
- Assynt Field Club
- Botanical Society of Scotland - Inverness
- Caithness Astronomy Group
- Caithness Family History Society
- Caithness International Science Festival
- Clyne Heritage Society
- Cromarty Arts Trust
- Cromarty History Society
- Dingwall & District Beekeepers' Association
- Dingwall Camera Club
- Dingwall Field Club
- Easter Ross Beekeepers' Association
- Eden Court Highlands
- Findhorn Foundation
- Fort William Photographic Society
- Gaelic Society of Inverness
- Groam House Museum
- Highland Archaeology Festival
- Highland Archive Service
- Highland Environment Forum
- Highland Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers
- Highlands Astronomical Society
- Humanist Society Scotland - Argyll
- Inverness Bat Group
- Inverness Botany Group
- Inverness Camera Club
- Inverness Civic Trust
- Inverness Field Club
- Inverness Science Festival
- Inverness Stamp Club
- Inverness-Shire Beekeepers' Association
- Lochaber and North Argyll Family History Group
- Lochaber Beekeepers Association
- Lochaber Natural History Society
- Lyth Arts Centre
- Mallaig Book Festival
- Moidart Local History Group
- Nairn & District Beekeepers Association
- Nairn & District Gardening Club
- Nairn Book & Arts Festival
- Nairn Photographic Society
- National Trust for Scotland Members' Centres - Highland
- NessBookFest
- North of Scotland Archaeological Society
- Ross-shire Flower Club
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Highland
- Royal Scottish Geographical Society - Inverness
- Scottish Rock Garden Club - Highland
- Skye and Lochalsh Beekeepers Association
- Sleat Local History Society
- SOC - Caithness
- SOC - Highland
- St Duthac Book and Arts Festival
- Tain & District Field Club
- Thurso Camera Club
- Ullapool Book Festival
- Highlands and Islands
- Hillingdon
- Brunel Arts
- Brunel University London
- Chiltern Aviation Society
- Field End Photographic Society
- Hardy Plant Society - Middlesex
- Harmondsworth Flower Guild
- Harrow and Hillingdon Geological Society
- Hillingdon Family History Society
- Hillingdon Natural History Society
- Ickenham & District Society of Model Engineers
- Pinner & Ruislip Beekeepers Association
- Pinner Camera Club
- Ruislip Central Horticultural Society
- Ruislip, Northwood & Eastcote Local History Society
- The Arts Society - Hillingdon
- Uxbridge & Ickenham Floral Art Society
- Uxbridge Local History Society
- Hinckley
- Burbage Bird Club
- Burbage Gardening Club
- Desford & District Local History Society
- Desford & Peckleton Art Club
- Earl Shilton Camera Club
- Earl Shilton Flower Club
- Hinckley & District Museum
- Hinckley & District Orchid Society
- Hinckley & District Philatelic Society
- Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society - Hinckley
- Market Bosworth & District Natural History Society
- Market Bosworth Society
- The Arts Society - Sparkenhoe
- Historic Houses
- A la Ronde
- Berkeley Castle
- Bolsover Castle
- Bowhill House & Country Estate
- Brantwood
- Burton Agnes Hall & Gardens
- Caerhays Estate
- Calke Abbey
- Cambo House
- Chartwell
- Chatsworth House & Gardens
- Clandon Park
- Great Dixter House & Gardens
- Grimsthorpe
- Harewood House
- Historic Royal Palaces
- Iford Manor Estate
- Kedleston Hall
- Kelmarsh Hall & Gardens
- Mannington Estate
- Markenfield Hall
- Nunnington Hall
- Nymans
- Ormesby Hall
- Petworth House and Park
- Scotney Castle
- Standen House and Garden
- Tabley House
- The Firs
- Treasurer's House, York
- Tredegar House
- Uppark House and Garden
- Wallington
- Wentworth Castle Gardens
- History of Technology and Engineering
- Cambridge Museum of Technology
- Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine [Manchester]
- Computer Conservation Society
- Construction History Society
- Ebbw Vale Works Museum
- Geevor Tin Mine Museum
- Ironbridge Gorge Museums
- Lichfield Waterworks Trust
- Museum of Bath at Work
- National Coal Mining Museum
- Newcomen: The International Society for the History of Engineering and Technology
- Newport Transporter Bridge, Friends of
- Northern Mill Engine Society
- PK Porthcurno: Museum of Global Communications
- Risca Industrial History Museum
- Science and Industry Museum
- Wandle Industrial Museum
- Waterworks Museum Hereford
- Westonzoyland Pumping Station Museum
- History of the Medical and Health Sciences
- Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine [Manchester]
- Dr Jenner's House, Museum and Garden
- Florence Nightingale Museum
- John Snow Society, The
- Old Operating Theatre Museum & Herb Garret, The
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society Museum
- Surgeons' Hall Museums
- Thackray Museum of Medicine
- Wellcome Collection
- Hitchin
- Hoddesdon
- Holborn
- Architectural Association School of Architecture
- Aristotelian Society, The
- Art Workers' Guild
- Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment [UCL]
- Bartlett School of Planning [UCL]
- Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities
- Birkbeck, University of London
- Bloomsbury
- Centre of African Studies [SOAS]
- Conway Hall Ethical Society
- Department of Computer Science [UCL]
- Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering [UCL]
- Dr Williams's Library
- Ecology and Conservation Studies Society [Birkbeck]
- Egypt Exploration Society
- English Goethe Society
- Foundling Museum, The
- Gay's The Word
- German Historical Institute London
- Great War Aviation Society
- Institute for Fiscal Studies
- Institute of Advanced Studies [UCL]
- IOE - Faculty of Education and Society [UCL]
- Irish Literary Society
- Irish Railway Record Society - London
- London Fortean Society
- London Review Bookshop
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Maps and Society Lectures
- Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
- Philosophy For All
- Postal Museum, The
- Pushkin House
- Radical Anthropology Group
- Royal African Society
- School of Advanced Study, University of London
- School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences [Birkbeck]
- School of Life, The
- Senate House Library [London]
- SOAS, University of London
- Society for Court Studies, The
- Society for Popular Astronomy
- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
- Swedenborg Society, The
- UCL Culture
- UCL: University College London
- University of London
- Viking Society for Northern Research
- Virgil Society, The
- Wellcome Collection
- Wiener Holocaust Library, The
- Honiton
- Horncastle
- Horsham
- Horsham Astronomy Group
- Horsham Flower Club
- Horsham Geological Field Club
- Horsham Horticultural Society
- Horsham Organic Gardeners Society
- Horsham Photographic Society
- National Trust Support - North Sussex
- Skeptics in the Pub - Horsham
- Storrington and District Museum
- Sussex Egyptology Society
- Sussex Family History Group - Horsham
- The Arts Society - Horsham
- Warnham Evening Flower Club
- Hounslow
- Bedford Park Society, The
- Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society
- Cercle français de Chiswick
- Chiswick Book Festival
- Chiswick House & Gardens
- Chiswick Pier Trust
- Feltham History Group
- Hounslow & District History Society
- Hounslow Friends of Faith
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Heathrow
- West Middlesex Family History Society
- Huddersfield
- British Button Society - Pennine
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Huddersfield
- Huddersfield & District Archaeological Society
- Huddersfield & District Badger Group
- Huddersfield & District BeeKeeping Association
- Huddersfield & District Family History Society
- Huddersfield Astronomy Society
- Huddersfield Civic Society
- Huddersfield Flower Club
- Huddersfield Geology Group
- Huddersfield Literature Festival
- Huddersfield Local History Society
- Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club
- Huddersfield Railway Circle
- National Trust Support - Holme and Calder
- RSPB - Huddersfield & Halifax
- University of Huddersfield
- West Riding Woodcarvers' Association
- Humanism and Secularism
- Huntingdon
- Brampton Flower Club
- Buckden Local History Society
- Café Scientifique - Brampton
- Civic Society of St Ives
- Godmanchester Camera Club
- Hemingfords' Local History Society
- HRAA St Ives [Cambridgeshire] Gardening Club
- Huntingdonshire Beekeepers' Association
- Huntingdonshire Fauna and Flora Society
- Huntingdonshire Local History Society
- IET - Peterborough & Huntingdon
- Papworth Astronomy Club
- Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
- RSPB - Huntingdonshire
- Sawtry History Society
- St Ives Photographic Club
- Swavesey Camera Club
- The Arts Society - Huntingdonshire
- Warboys Local History Society
- Ideas and The Future
- Academy of Ideas
- Agile Rabbit
- Also Festival: Big Ideas in a Beautiful Space
- Birmingham Salon
- Bristol Ideas
- Café Économique Leeds
- Demos
- Dialogue Society
- East Midlands Salon
- FutureEverything
- GlobalNet21
- HowTheLightGetsIn
- Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment, The
- Institute of Advanced Studies [UCL]
- Institute of Advanced Study [Durham]
- Institute of Art and Ideas
- Intelligence Squared
- Laudato Si' Research Institute
- Leeds Salon, The
- Liverpool Salon
- Malvern Festival of Ideas
- Manchester Statistical Society
- Oxford Martin School
- Royal Society of Arts
- Schumacher College
- Skeptics in the Pub
- St Davids Festival of Ideas
- St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
- The Imagine! Festival
- The Skeptic
- York Festival of Ideas
- Young Foundation, The
- Ilkeston
- Ilkley
- Industrial Archaeology Societies
- Association for Industrial Archaeology, The
- Berkshire Industrial Archaeology Group
- Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society
- Cleveland Industrial Archaeology Society
- Cumbria Industrial History Society
- Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology
- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
- Hampshire Industrial Archaeology Society
- Leicestershire Industrial History Society
- Manchester Region Industrial Archaeology Society
- Merseyside Industrial Heritage Society
- Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society
- North East Derbyshire Industrial Archaeology Society
- Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group
- Peak District Mines Historical Society
- Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society
- South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group
- South West Wales Industrial Archaeology Society
- South Wiltshire Industrial Archaeology Society
- South Yorkshire Industrial History Society
- Suffolk Industrial Archaeology Society
- Surrey Industrial History Group
- Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society
- Trevithick Society, The
- Warwickshire Industrial Archaeology Society
- Watford & District Industrial History Society
- Western Power Electricity Historical Society
- Worcestershire Industrial Archaeology & Local History Society
- Inverclyde
- Ipswich
- Bramford Local History Group
- British Horological Institute - Ipswich and District
- Colchester + Ipswich Museums
- East Bergholt Horticultural Society
- East Ipswich Camera Club
- Ipswich & District Historical Transport Society
- Ipswich & District Photographic Society
- Ipswich Art Society
- Ipswich Coin Club
- Ipswich Institute Reading Room & Library
- Ipswich Railway Modellers Association
- Ipswich Society, The
- Martlesham Heath Aviation Society
- National Trust Support - East Suffolk
- New Wolsey Theatre
- Orwell Art Club
- Orwell Astronomical Society
- RCTS - Ipswich & District
- RSPB - Ipswich
- Suffolk Beekeepers' Association - Ipswich and East Suffolk
- Suffolk Family History Society - Ipswich
- The Arts Society - South East Suffolk
- University of Suffolk
- Isle of Anglesey
- Isle of Man
- Douglas Floral Art Club
- IET - Mersey & Western Cheshire including the Isle of Man
- Isle of Man Astronomical Society, The
- Isle of Man Beekeepers Federation
- Isle of Man Family History Society
- Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society
- Isle of Man Photography Club
- Manx Bat Group
- Manx Embroiderers & Stitchers
- Manx Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers
- Manx National Heritage
- Manx National Heritage, Friends of
- Manx Ornithological Society
- Manx Wildlife Trust
- Peel Heritage Trust
- Photographic Societies - Isle of Man
- Plant Heritage - Isle of Man
- Southern Photographic Society
- The Arts Society - Isle of Man
- Isle of Wight
- Badger Trust Isle of Wight
- British Cactus and Succulent Society - Isle of Wight
- Butterfly Conservation - Hampshire and Isle of Wight
- Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
- Hampshire And Isle of Wight Amphibian and Reptile Group
- Historical Association - Isle of Wight
- IET - Solent
- Island Flower Club - IOW
- Isle of Wight Art Club
- Isle of Wight Bat Group
- Isle of Wight Family History Society
- Isle of Wight Gardens Trust
- Isle of Wight Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
- Isle of Wight Literary Festival
- Isle of Wight Model Engineering Society
- Isle of Wight Photographic Society
- Isle of Wight Stamp Club
- Medina Bookshop
- National Trust Support - Isle of Wight
- Niton and District Camera Club
- Northwood Floral Art Group
- Photographic Societies - Isle of Wight
- Robert Hooke Society, Freshwater
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Isle of Wight
- Royal Society of Biology - Wessex
- The Arts Society - Isle of Wight
- Vectis Astronomical Society
- Western Front Association - Hampshire & Isle of Wight
- Isles of Scilly
- | Across the UK |