- A Rocha UK
- Anglican and Eastern Churches Association
- Anglo Catholic History Society, The
- Art + Christianity
- Arts Centre Group
- Baptist Historical Society
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- Blackfriars
- Christians Aware
- Christians in Library and Information Services
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- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Churches Together in England
- College of Preachers, The
- Ecclesiastical Law Society
- Evangelical Library, The
- Fleet Street Talks
- General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, The
- Green Christian
- Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland, The
- John Bunyan Museum
- John Stott London Lecture
- Lambeth Palace Library
- Luther King Centre for Theology and Ministry
- Manchester Wesley Research Centre
- Montgomery Trust, The
- North East Catholic History Society
- North East Methodist History Society
- Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
- Prayer Book Society, The
- Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland
- Royal School of Church Music
- Strict Baptist Historical Society
- Traherne Association
- Wesley Historical Society
- William Temple Foundation
- Association of English Cathedrals
- Beauchief Abbey
- Cairns Church Milngavie
- Chichester Cathedral
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- Dorchester Abbey
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- Society for Church Archaeology
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- St Paul's Cathedral
- Westminster Abbey Institute